Dead arm involuntary movement

My dead left arm moves when I yawn,

Anyone else seen this on either side.

The article is interesting but doesn’t leave me with much to go on.


Not so much with yawning, but my leg jerks when I sneeze. I have learnt that I need to hang onto something solid when I sneeze to avoid falling over.

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Very interesting,thanks for sharing my arm swings inward to my groin and attacks me ,all very weird how are bodies rewire themselves.

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Hi, My left arm moves when I yawn, cough or sneeze. Also if I’m standing up and need to cough or sneeze I have to make sure there is something to hold onto.
All very strange !!!

Regards Sue

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When I sneeze/cough knowing it’s polite to put your hand over mouth/nose I usually miss the later & slap my forehead/cheek … no thanks to my body tremor . So can be funny & embarrassing at the same time …


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Yes Sue our broken brains and their rewiring is most confusing, hope some day soon it all works much better for us all

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Yep, thought it was just me ! When I yawn the left hand (affected side) tremors uncontrollably for the duration of the yawn. Have to hold it still with the good hand. Still happening 6 years post stroke. Also terrible night time cramp in left calf, which I obviously cannot stretch independently, so have to wedge the right foot under the left toes to stretch the cramp out of it. And as someone else has said, sneeze and I have to make sure Im sitting down or holding on to something sturdy. So many challenges. :frowning:


It only happens when I am laying in bed first thing in the morning. My elbow bends and my hand clenches into a fist. As soon as I stop yawning it goes back to ‘normal’ and the rest of the time it is fairly relaxed. Maybe not as rare as the article states.

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Sorry to hear it , same for me but at17 months in I have to live without ABIT longer to say for sure

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This happens to me - also on the left arm.I mentioned it to the doctor/physio in hospital but they didn’t seem overly interestedmy fingers that are almost permanently curled up, straighten out during the yawn as if I’m trying to do a salute

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Hi Jordan, got air con in Mini :joy: . One handed eating. As recommended by you . Knork don’t really know why , but yes working well . Although my wife still cuts most food. Better than spoon. Good speaking David.

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Hi David3
Yup my Mini has air/con if it was only hotter I’d use it :upside_down_face: ….
a wonderful device & very Thirsty in drinking up petrol when in use so for that reason with the price of petrol right now I’m happy to have both windows down :+1:t6:
Wonderful news your Knork arrived. Reading your txt I get the impression you find the device a great help even more so your wife cutting up the meal making I bets your dinner hassle free & yummy .

Keep on enjoying your Knork meals :grin:


Have you tried cutting up your food using scissors? You have to keep swopping between scissors and fork, but it would give you more independence if your wife isn’t around.

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Hi , Janet, Must say I am spoilt. If on my own, plan food carefully. Scissors, not sure. Thanks David.

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And here am I patting myself on the back for making beans on toast,. Total amatteur I am .all power to you wonderful SS


I’m the same worse when I have the keg tucked up on the first rung of the stool I’m sat on.

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There will be a bridge I’m concentrating on the basic arm movement and motor work with my right barm, here’s hoping something wakes up

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Yes I’m hopeful that next year will see the pain under control and some basic arm movements awaken.
Wishing you all the recovery the good lord can give you.

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