Daily Health graph

Hello again, wonderful creatures,

I’ve decided to keep a daily record of my health.
I will mark 5 items out of 5
The items are Foot / Glute / Sensitivity / Eyelid / Pelvic Floor
Today I am doing better and scored 25234 = 16/25 ; reasonable
My lowest to date would be 12223 = 10/25 and best 45344 = 20/25

Does anyone know any simple free graphing tool to keep track?
I suspect this might be a useful tool for others, too

Ciao, enjoy the day, Roland


Great idea, you can visualise patterns then, and see if the gaps are widening between troubled phases. I used a lot of open source graph tools when I was a face-to-face teacher in front of a classroom, back in the day. I guess tools like Labplot and RawGraphs might be the ticket, but you’d probably need to try a few out to see which one fits your needs the best.


Is suggest drawing spider :spider_web: or radar plots (same thing 2 names)

Lots of how to in excel or googlesheets & other tools on the web



Fantastic idea! I think I might join you.

I am for pen and paper these days due to eyes having trouble with screen time. Also, the act of putting things on paper and thinking how has a way of reminding me to actually do it after a week or two of practice.

For this method, I would likely use graph paper (grid) as it is can be graphed in different ways fairly easily.

I like that you may see patterns that help, and will likely notice more progress than you do without it.


Maybe you are looking for a biorhythm chart.
There is divided opinion about the usefulness of this stuff, but sometimes activity is better than inertia.

Biorhythm curves describe very well the energy levels and the capacity for performance on 3 Primary levels: physical, emotional and intellectual.

The intellectual biorhythm lasts for 33 days and relates to your mental capabilities, creativity, aptitude to solve problems.

This cycle supposedly originates in the brain. It influences our memory, alertness, speed of learning, reasoning ability, accuracy of computation.
-100-0% Much more likely to have difficulty in grasping new ideas and concepts.
0%-100% Considered to be at your most intellectually responsive; you’re open to accepting and understanding new ideas, theories and approaches.

The emotional biorhythm last for 28 days (just like the Moon’s cycle) and relates to your emotional stability or stress.

This cycle governs the nervous system and also is referred to as the sensitivity rhythm. This cycle influences our emotional states, affecting love/hate, optimism/pessimism, passion/coldness, depression/elation.
-100%-0% When you are feeling most creative, most loving and warm, and you are probably more open in your relationships.
0%-100% More inclined to be withdrawn and less cooperative. You may also be very irritated and negative about those things that occur in your everyday life.

The physical biorhythm lasts for 23 days and is related to your physical energy, strenght, health, stamina.

This cycle effects the physical aspect of the body. It encompasses your energy levels, your resistance, and your overall physical strength and endurance. During the positive half of cycle is when you will feel at your best. This cycles influences physical factors such as eye-hand coordination, strength, endurance, and resistance to disease. During the down half of cycle you are likely to have less energy and less vitality. Be sure to follow this cycle if you require physical endurance for either sports or your work.
-100%-0% Low energy. These are not good days for physical efforts or extreme sports. You will feel a bit tired after physical effort. Don’t bet on yourself when you play sports with friends. You might be thinking that everything seems a little further away and things are heavier, but that is due to your energy being quite low.
0%-100% High vitality. During these days in your Physical Cycle, your energy is higher than the average. Ideal for sports training and activities requiring physical effort. You will feel physically strong. Good days for demanding activities and training. You will feel physically strong. Good days for demanding activities and training.Take advantage and do activities requiring physical strength and stamina.

Secondary rhythms: Spiritual (53 days), Awareness (48 days), Aesthetic (43 days), Intuition (38 days)

As I mentioned above this material is questioned, but you might still want to pursue it. Some folks like to play around with Ouija boards, others like to visit someone with a crystal ball, more contemporary are the tarot cards. Maybe just veg out in front of the telly. I say, each to their own.

keep on keepin on
:crystal_ball: :performing_arts: :question:

you might find a spread sheet would be a good way to store and correlate your data
LibreOffice has one’ It is of professional standard, used by governments and is a free download online, available across all operating systems.

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Thanks DeAnn,

and @Bobbi I have been thinking very much along those lines and thought of adding another set of 5 markers to track progress

  1. Sleep
  2. Bowels
  3. Health
  4. Activity
  5. Mood

These are less to do with my specific stroke symptoms that I’m battling with and more to do with general condition. Though, I wonder if I am overdoing the number of categories? Also, when to record the measurements (which are totally subjective)? For me, I think I will take readings at 3pm ; more or less in the middle of my day. Mornings are usually better, and evenings definitely worse, but a total score taken at 3pm is inevitably going to drop a few marks as my energy and brain freshness start to fade towards the end of the day.

Though I talk about Yin / Yang days, (bad / good days) in a predictable pattern, I always have variations and never quite know what to expect. During my holiday I was starting off a Yin day with locked glute that was painful from the start of the day. No doubt this was due to the high level of activity the previous day. Today, similar to Tuesday, I’m starting off the first few hours with only very slight symptoms of locked glute. Puzzling. Again, it feels like an external force has come into play, and I keep thinking the ASEA supplement must be working. Time will tell. Yesterday I picked up in mood and condition.

Thanks for your ideas,
I’m sure I’m not the only one to think up such an exercise,
it was my physio n2 who suggested this sort of thing (maybe in my head)
Ciao, Roland


If you do a spread sheet label it with a column for each factor, say energy, mood, etc.
and score -10 0 +10 for each with a new row for each day.
Once a month plot the results on a graph to get an over all view of progress.

Over time you could vary the categories according to what is relevant at the time. Perhaps start with a maximum of 5 categories just to start so you get a feeling for how it is working out. A space for notes for each day would be a good idea so you can relate to what was happening on each occasion. Even a note of ‘boring nothing happening’ is relevant.

I think recording results will be better than simply trusting memory, but try to simplify rather than over complicate.

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Yeah I think it’s good insight to have zero in the middle of the scale and then plus and minus from that.
I always found numeric scales hard to apply consistently and then extract meaning from and or (&|) to pass that meaning on to others (and I spent maybe 30 years of my career in a space where I dealt with them most days)

I’ve found using adjectives or one or two word descriptors a useful practise to frame an ordinal scale - and then using as many as I need on each occasion of capturing a data point. You might plausibly map your adjectives into something scalar with defined interval and/or ratio

If you’re putting something into a spreadsheet you should set up so that the graph is dynamically representing the current data so there is no monthly task -

You’re thinking of what data to collect. Data is the source of information - generally that means adding context. Information is the fuel for decisions and good decisions arguably the foundation of wisdom

Have you thought about the contextualizing of your data to support the decisions that will rest on it? That further thought will be necessary to do more than create pictures.
I suspect what you want is not a spreadsheet but a dashboard tool

Dashboard tools such as tableau (a market leader), visplore and vizlib & 10s of others are available - if you have a subscription to Microsoft eg O365 you might also want to investigate Power BI but maybe the complexity is rising :frowning:

Itll be interesting to hear what scales, capture routine, analysis, synthesis you finally settle on :slight_smile:


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So far I have settled on 10 biomarkers with score 1-5;

1)Glute 2)Foot 3)Touch 4)Eye 5)Pelvic floor
6) Sleep 7) Health 8)Bowel movement 9)Activity 10)Mood

xx/xx/xx GFTEP-SHBAM = TT ; Notes

01/05/24 42234-44433 = 33 ; 10’Treadmill
02/05/24 21234-43412 = 26 ; 03’Treadmill (T in index finger increased to 3 in evening)