Creative writing as a recovery tool - Update and Latest News

Creative Writing

Self Expression and the sharing of experience as recovery tools

Professor Sebastian Groes at Wolverhampton University is setting up an online Creative Writing program which will go live at the end of this year.

When I mentioned it on this forum there was some interest so I am posting these links with more info and news.

The Professor is pretty clued up having had a stroke and then having to deal with aphasia. He is amply qualified to provide something which is sure to be beneficial for stroke survivors.

It certainly has me interested and I’m sure it will be a useful tool for stroke survivors.

Here is an earlier article from the BBC.

I’ll post again if I have any more news.


Thank you @Bobbi definitely something worth looking at when it becomes available.

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This sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing.

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@Bigmugoftea @Mrs5K

There will be more, but I believe general release will be in November.