It may be commonly known, however! today Ive been told No medications to be taken with Phenylephrine Or Pseudoepheline in it with blood pressure tablets. best just to take Beecham Powders…Great! now all this to look forward to!!! “H” Out!
The list of things to be careful of is a complex topic - for example have you been told to be very careful of grapefruit juice
There are many statements of you can’t take x with y that are gross simplification
The best person to talk to is a pharmacist they are much more aware than GPs and other medical professionals of interactions and generally speaking it’s not “you can’t take” its “If you’re going to take both we need to change dosages, or have a holiday from one or substitute one with another or…”
As well as grapefruit juice there are a great many other everyday things as well as supplements and vitamins and turmeric and and and and etc
Yep welcome to another facet of post stroke life
awwwwwwwwwwwww Bummer! Ive managed to stay of Guinness even though told yeah go have one… not really enjoying this life as it goes. double bummer! Later “H” Out.
Guinness 0% is actually good!
See Low and no alcohol worth considering? for others - definitely beats grapefruit juice
So now it seems I have to take another Covid injection and the Flu vaccines … not by choice but being told I was booked in for this, woo hoo!!!
Got mine in a couple of weeks. I hope all goes well for you
Stroke Improvement Group
I had the invite but haven’t done anything
Maybe I should
The flue invite came through first for me so I booked it. I didnt bother with making another apt when the covid invite came through. I know the nurse will jab both arms anyway
Stroke Improvement Group