Hi everyone
Hope you’re all well.
You may have noticed we temporarily removed the feedback form. This was because we wanted to make some changes in response to your feedback we have received.
The feedback that we received was:
The form was hard to find
The text is too small
The form is confusing
The rating shouldn’t be a required field
The text doesn’t wrap so you can’t see everything you’ve written
The boxes are faint, which makes it hard to know where to type
The thank you page directs you back to the web portal or service desk, there should be a way to go directly back to the forum
Considering this, we have made the below changes to our feedback form:
We have made the form more accessible by changing the font size and using plain English
The form can now be found in the ‘Useful links’ section of the sidebar, making it more visible.
We have removed some of the text boxes to help simplify the form
The text boxes will now allow you to see everything you have written
We have made it clearer where you need to type your feedback
We have added a link on the main web portal and service desk homepage which takes you back to the forum
We have made these changes in the hope that it will help to make the form simple and easy to use.
We hope that these changes will help you to continue to provide us with feedback about your experiences of using the Online Community.