Yeah! I’m finally going home. I have been having episodes of losing my speech since my stroke in 2018 - happening more and more, sometimes lasting days when I end up going into hospital. This time i was speaking gibberish. Well spoke to doc on stroke ward (first time on there) and he agreed that after 17 head scans the other docs were wrong to say it’s just migraines and that we need another direction. He’s prescribed aspirin to go with my clopidogrel / risky as it increases bleeding but worth a try. I could be having TIAs that the scans do see - if it’s that the aspirin should stop it. If not it’s time for a EEG to test the electric in my head. He’s telling my neurologist - who will hopefully stop talking migraines!! The increase for those work and I’m not getting any now. Maybe I wasn’t getting as many migraines as we thought in the first place and the docs misdiagnosed them rather than send me to the stroke ward and change direction!!! Hears to some answers. Does anyone else have this meds combination and how are you on them xx
Good to hear you’re heading home & thar they are now going to do some more tests to find out what is going on.
I have taken aspirin with clopidogrel for a short period of time and not had any issues. It can increase the bleed risk but I would imagine the drs have weighed up the risks from that compared to the risk of you having a full stroke. Talk to your GP / a pharmacist if you are concerned.
Hope you get some answers soon.
Best wishes
And no other doctors never thought to consider the migraines may actually be a symptom rather than the cause? Thank god for the stroke doctor
I do recall after my stroke, when I was on both aspirin and clopidogrel, the slightest nick would have bleeding profusely. The first time I had to take a blood sugar reading the blood shot out and actually hit the ceiling from the pin prick in my finger Needless to say I was very careful to squeeze gently after that But the aspirin was only for the first 6wks after the stroke.
The deterioration in my speech is tough - I’m just pleased I can still type - hope I don’t lose that. I’m just anxious at the moment as to why - stroke doctor said I had expressive dysphasia - the first diagnosis I agree with - it’s not migraine - at least not this and last time. But WHY? Is my question. It’s getting more often and it’s getting worse. Just hope there are answers soon
The cats called Lexi and she’s our baby xx
Hi, no the easy option was it’s migraine - but I knew different. I’m scared to say I have a headache as they always went migraine. Thankfully now I talked gibberish I got on the stroke ward and they agreed with me. It’s just scary thinking I might be having regular TIAs or it’s something else. Just need answers now. I don’t feel well and haven’t for 3 weeks now. Speech went garbled in supermarket Wednesday didn’t last long 20-30 mins. But it happened again! Scary. Fingers crossed for answers. At least I got a formal diagnosis of expressive dysphasia. X
Thank you - hope so too! Thanks for feedback on the dual therapy xx
I have mild aphasia which does get worse towards the end of the day and when I’ve had a particularly busy day. It also takes about an hour to get going in the morning. So if I haven’t spoken to anyone for a few hours after I get up, it can take a couple false starts to get it going…bit like starting a car with a flat battery I’m now nearly 4yrs post stroke, which were TIA’s.
Could it be your voice goes when you are particularly stressed/tired perhaps?
Another thing I’ve had since my stroke is a constant " headache", an intense aburning pressure at the top of my head. I was also losing my hearing completely by the end of each day. Had all sorts of tests/scans, though not an EEG, and they didn’t find anything either. I did get a pair of hearing aids out of it, which I love
I did however start taking Magnesium Glycinate daily and that seems to keep the headache at bay. It’s not a cure, I can still feel it loitering in the background, but it as good as that I can sleep at night, and thats got to be a good thing😄
Going back to the voice, as well as having your good days and bad days with speech. You also have your recovery days. Basically when you’re good you do anything and everything or you have a packed week on holiday or something. Then comes the crash, when you back slide for a few days while the brain recovers. Once over that crash you go on ticking over nicely until the next event that sees you crash again.
Hi Simon - just joined the what’s app - sounds just what we need x
Oops - I’ll have another look - not as technical savvy as I was it seems haha
I’ve emailed the aphasia org that you suggested too