Clive Wearing - The man with no short term memory

There are worse brain injuries than strokes, I wonder, which would we rather live with :thinking:

The Man With The Seven Second Memory

Clive Wearing - Wikipedia.

Phineas Gage is another man who had his whole personality changed to due to a head injury.

Both of men are fascinating to read about.


indeed very interesting

have you seen the Adam Sandler and Drew B film 50 first dates? cheesy but realish

the MRIs in it annoy me as they get lobes wrong and are of altzimers not etc etc sorry OCD!! ha ha

Dan ackroyd does get one right but itā€™s just a fluke


:wink: :polar_bear:


No I havenā€™t seen the movie but Iā€™ve read the synopsis so Iā€™m might try it this weekend. Wonder if they got the idea from Clive Wearingā€™s condition :thinking:


Quite possibly!!!

I think there is a ā€˜10 second tomā€™ or something

:polar_bear: :wink:

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It must be like living with only the short term memory in effect, not being able to shift priority information to the long term memory. Itā€™s fascinating how effective procedural memory is, his case with music reminds me of riding my bicycle without any effort for up to an hour, soon after hospital discharge, but being unable to walk properly once dismounted.


And we think we have it tough. Must be so difficult for him & his family. He can play the piano well though even if he canā€™t remember it.

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