Cerebral angiogram

am due to have one of these early august have been given all the information from the hospital-but -what’s it really like - any experiences much appreciated ?

Hi Motherbear

I notice you haven't yet had a reply on this post - it may be because other users aren't familiar with this type of procedure, or no one has come across this post yet. 

You could either try reposting it on the main community wall, or contact the Brain and Spine Foundation who are a charity providing information and support for neurological conditions. Their helpline is manned by trained experts who can offer information and support on medical, social or emotional issues of concern that relate to brain and spine problems; they may have further information on a cerebral angiogram  - 0808 808 1000. 

Take care


Thankyou for your help have found some interesting information on the b&s foundation website.