How do you cope or manage with car park tickets entry systems, the ones where you get your car as close as possible to the machine and take a ticket before the barrier is raised? I ask because I regularly pull up a little too far from the machine and I have limited dexterity in my right hand which restricts the ability to grab the ticket.
I would contact the car park operator ( before you arrive if possible ) and ask them for their disability policy.
Those ticket barriers are a nightmare at best of times. Don’t know if it’ll help but there is usually a help button so if you are struggling press it & see what they suggest or as @Janetb says ask for their disability policy.
I would also contact the local council, especially if the carpark operator is operating the carpark on behalf of the council.
@im72 I have the same problem at the drive-thru ATM bank machines. I know it is tough to do, but get as close, really close as possible. Most cars have a collapsible side mirror and you can just reach out and collapse it. Then retract when you are thru.
It is a challenge. I tend not to use these machines very often (there aren’t many decent shops left to make it worth my while), but as I can’t use my right arm/hand, I have to get as close as possible to the machine, have my window already open (if possible) and twist my body so I can reach over with my left hand, to take the ticket. It’s just as difficult for me to press the call button.
I’ve got of a little like that but it doesn’t close tight enough to hold a ticket when grabbing with it. Maybe I’ll get a replacement.
I wondered if that might be a problem. I hope you get it sorted. Dropping the ticket as you attempted to retrieve it would be the worst thing ever.
Defo the worst thing ever, with my stroke a close second!