Finally decided to throw myself back into my favourite pastime, washing cars! Little did I bank on stroke fatigue on top of the hoping and balancing I needed to do to get round the car, but with my able partner we got the job done wheels and al , hope to be better next time but it’s a start.neverbeen afraid of a challenge, the stroke is my biggest to date
@mrfrederickson well done on getting through the car washing. I’ve had horrid fatigue this week so done very little. Hoping for more activity next week…might leave washing the car to hubby though
Good plan it was one of my jobs pre stroke and to retain my role as husband not the caredone it was good to don my old persona for a while, miss being a full husband and father, long way off feeling that person again
@Loshy Hi Loraine, sorry to hear you’ve been suffering too. Rubbish isn’t it. Really hope you feel better soon. Definitely onwards & upwards. Look after yourself xxx
Sorry to hear of your pain mine is light and fluffy by comparison, hope you find some peace or balance in coping with it sleep is my only escape thankfully the noratripyline sides that every night sweet dreams.
@Ingo66 hope you manage to get the rest you need this weekend. Seems its been a bad fatigue week all round. Extra difficult when you’re juggling work too.
Have a restful weekend.
Best wishes x
They say repetitive tasks are good! If you’re not too far away I could drop mine round Joking aside @mrfrederickson it feels good just to start doing tasks you previously could gives us a purpose.
Having a sense of purpose is so good for mental health at a time when we tend to feel useless and not very independent
You are so right, I am now 3 years post stroke and when I look back at the early days in a wheelchair, exhausted after a shower not able even to cut my own food up I can now do most things even run on a treadmill. 3 years on and I’m still improving which is great. Keep washing the car it will get easier
Thanks my watershed will be when I can move from room to room or upstairs without the need for a stick my nivana is independent living.
This heat is adding to my fatigue, weirdly the left shoulder and arm are cold to the touch an feel col inside and hurt, no escape even our heat wave is not able to keep my pain at bay I expect this sensory issu to lady a number on years.
The gift that keeps giving
I find the heat adds to my fatigue too. Hopefully be better on Monday
Yes lovely thunderstorms coming soonthat humidity is building if I could wal properly I would rush out and stand in it