Car insurance after TIA

Hi everyone, I’m 75 yrs old and had my first mini stroke about 5 weeks ago. Luckily there have been no lasting physical side effects, so do I legally need to contact my car insurance company and tell them what has happened straight away? The reason for the question is that I am a full-time carer for my partner who has Parkinsons. I need my car and I’m just worried that it may stir up a hornet’s nest that may result in an extension of the legal 4 week driving ban after a TIA,

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@Bluzman Hi & welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you’ve had a TIA and good to hear you’re doing ok.

When I had my stroke i rang my insurance company & they weren’t interested but I think that will depend on your insurance company.

I’ve put a link in below from the Stroke Association Publications - Driving After Stroke. Have a read through. It does say in there that you should inform your insurance company.

All I would say is if you should have told them and don’t then have an accident you may find your insurance is null & void.

Best wishes


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Hi and welcome to our forum, glad to hear that your recovery is going well. I would definitely inform your insurance company about your TIA, I worked for a insurance broker before my stroke and would always advise that you inform them of any changes in your circumstances. I would hate you to have an accident, only to find that you’re not covered as they didn’t know about your TIA.

Regards Sue


Thank you all for your advice and suggestions. I really do appreciate it. I’m insured with SAGA and after looking at my documents it appears that they don’t require me to notify them of the TIA. In hindsight, I should have checked there first before posting my question, but it’s good to know the forum is here should I need it in the future. This whole thing is very new to me and it’s a real wake up call to someone like me who thought that strokes always happened to ‘other people’. Wrong!
Kind regrds to you all,


Thanks Simon, I’ve never heard of a quiet stroke. The idea of a stroke creeping up like a silent ninja to wreak havoc on the body is quite worrying. Hopefully I’ll manage to avoid him :ninja: Take care. Eric
PS have you got snow yet up there?

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