Can anyone tell me…

How long some of these issues from stroke will take to go? know every one different but in your experience? Also anything to ease these issues? Currently 7 week post stroke really getting to me now?

Stiffness/heavyness full side ear to toes comes n goes atm through out day

Blood pressure jumping erratically nothing major but enough to feel it

Headaches constantly on paracetamol

Fuzzy sock feeling on foot

Slight drop eye lid

Perception where body parts are when can’t see them

Also constant like kinetic energy firing up effected side

Obviously nobody knows when for me but for them ? Was lateral medullary stroke 20/1/25

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I totally understand how frustrated you are feeling with all your symptoms. I was exactly the same initially but you need to think of stroke recovery as a marathon not a sprint. Recovery can take many months or years for some.

You should get your erratic BP checked by a dr so you can try & get that under control. That may help with your headaches but even if it doesn’t you need it to steady out.

My headaches lasted 6 plus months before I started to get some respite from them.

But as you have said everyone is different & timescales will vary. The 1st 6 months are often when you see the biggest improvements but you will continue to improve long after that it will just be less noticeable.

Keep a diary so you can track your progress. What uour symptoms are and what you have done. Then when you think you aren’t progressing look back and remind yourself how far uou have come. You need to track progress over week to week, month too th not day to day.

Lots of patience required for stroke recovery. Keep going it will improve.


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Thanks fr reply physically come long way happy there just need tightness n headaches to go away! bk in hospital atm switching onto warfarin which isnt helping matters been in 4 days, not sure if anyone else made the switch and what felt

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