Am now 0 months in to this nightmare! Getting increasingly frustrated! Can walk tentatively with a quad stick. Nothing in my hand or arm get! Just want to be able to potter round my house indepently but can't see it ever happening ! Used to love to bake and cook get so angry now! My house is a tip! My husband tries his best but makes everything such hard work!!'
Am now 0 months in to this nightmare! Getting increasingly frustrated! Can walk tentatively with a quad stick. Nothing in my hand or arm get! Just want to be able to potter round my house indepently but can't see it ever happening ! Used to love to bake and cook get so angry now! My house is a tip! My husband tries his best but makes everything such hard work!!'
Get a cleaner. We did. Best thing we ever did. Should have had one years ago and not waited til I had a stroke. And don't despair about your recovery. Get working at it! I work hard at my recovery. its my job now. Progress is slow but I am improving.
Good idea ! Still need to learn patience!!
I fully understand your frustration. I can see such a lot of things that need doing that I used to do and cant now my husband does his best and I am more than grateful. I just want to get back how I was and know I never will. But just keep going and you will improve. I had my stroke 4 years ago and I do more now than I did at first so things do get better. All the best to you. Norma.
I agree with the advice to get a cleaner. I now have one for two hours every week. The house is cleaner than even when I did it and I am a perfectionist!!! Have you thought about a rollator? You are able to walk independently with one. This makes a big difference. I have two, one for outdoors and one indoors. Regards Lilian
You will get there, it just takes a little time and adjustment, it really is frustrating but believe in your ability to recover, yes it could be slow but it will come , take care
I feel your frustration, for me it's been a bit like scrambling around in the dark trying find a foothold of security, and peace of mind. Everything can be a challenge, from getting up to brushing teeth. I am post stroke one year, but I have to see it as one year being very small in the time scale of my life. Even two, three years, if I look back at the years behind me they flew by, and hopefully in time, we'll be able to see this as a small but horrednously challenging part of life. Stay brave.
You are making wonderful progress. It was months before I could walk with a quad stick. Then as I got better I graduated to a cane. Then no cane--adding a few steps every day. Now, 3 years later, I walk unassisted almost 2 miles a day! The legs come back first because we put the stress of standing on them. Hands and arms come later. Rehab is necessary to retrain the brain and restrengthen unused muscles. They used electro-therapy on me to "wake" things up. (a tens unit) Then months of occupational therapy 2 times a week. I was totally paralyzed on my left side. Now I can play the piano, type and play the ukelele, and cook. Don't let yourself get discouraged. Just keep striving and working at it. I just let my husband take care of the house and cooking for about 6 months. It wasn't up to "my standards", but this whole experience has taught me that most things I used to be concerned about aren't really that important. It really made me appreciate him more. Later, as I got better, I could begin to take some of the load off his shoulders. One thing I decided is that I don't want to do much housework anymore, so we have a house cleaner come in 4 hours once a month. That's enough to keep things up, and is not too expensive It helped me to keep a little notebook to date and track the small successes of each day. That way I could see that I really was improving. You can't see it while your getting better, because it is so slow. But you will get a little better each day.
One of the hardest things about having a stroke is that it takes a long time to recovery the best that you can it's hard and my was a some called mild stroke keep going take care and be kind to yourself with kind regards des
Thank you des
Good advice! O am having to learn patience'
It has been challenging ! Various professional s have described me as being determined and strong! Never thought I would be described as such!'
It is very frustrating that I cannot walk far now due to my heart failure. I know some of it is due to anxiety over it but I am very careful when I walk as it does not take long for me to feel strange so dont go far. We are meeting my son in the park they arrived from Scotland last night and were too late to come and visit us I cant wait to see him. Love Norma xxxx