ASEA Signalling molecules

Hello wonderful people,

Here we are at the end of April, and I’m in the mood for sharing my latest breakthrough. As usual, I make great discoveries when I’m up against great adversity. And great adversity is what I was up against last weekend. My leg was getting stiffer and suffering more spasms than I would like, and my foot was behaving exactly as if it had foot drop. Walking became dangerous. I don’t want to be grounded in bed, or my health will come crashing down. I’m so fed up with Yin/Yang cycle with muscles locked tight for 16 hours every other day. This went beyond my limits of endurance, and I lost my cool, and even thought of ending my life, thinking through 3 options on how to go out. Of course my wife sensed my mood, and her morale promptly crashed too. That’s a rare condition for her. Well, today, I feel a glimmer of hope.

It started with me lying awake between 4:30 and 6:30 am ; a bad habit I’m picking up. What I am doing at that time is meditating and praying my locked glute does not strike for the day. I’m gently getting my conscious brain to have a word with my subconscious brain. Sounds a bit far fetched, but there is evidence that they are communicating with each other to a limited degree. So what was new today? I woke up, unable to detect locked glute, it was so mild. What has changed? Well, my friend, Kate came to see me at 11am and immediately reminded me that I had started the ASEA signalling supplement the day before. In fact, I took another dose while she was here. I am taking this supplement in the hope that the signalling pathways specifically between my brain and muscles (via proteins) improves, and hence reduces my spasms. Spasms occur because the muscles lack the control and connection to the brain. This Molecular signalling process is an all-round “must” for severe stroke survivors, and a key “bio-hack”. It’s early days, but it certainly seems to be going the right way. Don’t worry, I’m aware of the power of placebo. I had the same immediate positive result with the iTeraCare wand almost a year ago. But, yes, this is an initial impression, subject to verification and the test of time.

My other stories continue to develop. The dendrites are still reaching and connecting when it comes to my hand sensitivity. Each evening I play with a spiky ball, and the area and clarity of touch grows and develops each session. My X-frame technique (cf. fascial sling anterior / posterior) continues to give relief if only while I stretch my CORE and a for couple of minutes after. Of course, my foot is not happy, and working at it during physio on Friday only made it worse. My plan is to treat it as an injury / an overworked period and really wind anything remotely strenuous right down, but keep Qigong and gentle exercises ticking over. Another explanation is that the locked glute is expressing itself in the foot, the tension having travelled down the leg.

I have a big question, that hopefully someone might help me with: Can drop foot develop after 1.5 years or is it more likely to be a condition that one has from the start of a stroke? This is typical of the unknowns that I would love to share to keep strong and supply some answers or examples to myself and others which might calm the mood …

I hope everyone is finding answers and discovering solutions,
We live in the face of severe adversary, and need all the help we can get,
Live long and prosper, ciao, Roland


My Tibialis Anterior and the corresponding peroneal nerve I’m sure work well. What I have heard is that over time, a stiff calf muscle will win out over the much smaller tibialis. Agonist vs antagonist muscles, if you like. This is my concern, any opinions?

thx, Roland


@pando good to hear you have noticed some improvements & that you are in a better place than at the weekend. Every bit of progress is to be celebrated & i hope the early inducations of this tablet continue long term for you.

In relation to drop foot I didn’t have it at the time of my stroke but developed it a few months later. I think it us linked to my FND which was caused by my stroke rather than directly related to my stroke happening but nonetheless i still have it.

And yes it makes walking difficult & i’ve lost count of the times I’ve cut my toes on things like carpet grippers as a result.


Thanks, Ann

The Asea supplement is in liquid form ; about 60 ml x2 a day
I wouldn’t exclude FND complications with myself ; I’m hoping it’s just an injury, for now. But I long to be able to walk comfortably… one day.

good luck with your toes !!
ciao, Roland


Oops when i typed my message I wasn’t sure it was a tablet but was too tired to check…it’s been a long day.

I hope your issues are an injury rather than FND but it may be worth exploring. That’s a whole different ball game but may give you a few answers…or may not. If you’ve never looked have a peak at the website. When I was told I had FND That’s the site i was told to look at & thats where the support started & finished.

I hope you can one day walk comfortably too…something I too am longing for.

Have a good evening.



I have an opinion, worth maybe a grain of salt, and actually more of a question, than actual opinion.

You have just had a vacation, is that when the foot drop started? I am wondering if you might have overdone it a bit and perhaps your leg and foot are making you pay for it, but will return to the former state after an easier routine for a few days.

I hope the ASEA continues to help you. Happy to see you in better spirits, but so happy you shared when they weren’t! I hope that was as helpful to you, as I know it will be to others, and definitely is to me.


Thx DeAnn,

I worked up to strength to prepare for the holiday ; the trip was easy, but once there I had to walk probably 1 km each day. Not much, but I was doing 1 km twice a month before. So, spot on, I need to wind down and take it easy to undo the massive strain I went through.

You are thinking clearer than I, DeAnn, thx
I will let everyone know how ASEA pans out

ciao, dear friend, Roland


Exactly so, thx Nigel


That’s a good point Nigel,

I’m aware it could certainly be exhaustion, with that comes stiffness, etc. I call it foot drop because that’s the closest thing I can think of. But you are so right to point out the misdiagnosis. I must tread carefully!!

Anyway I have my senior stroke-physio coming to see me tomorrow, and with a couple of messages has assured me foot drop is unlikely at this late stage. Now there has always been a little weakness there, so maybe I can nurse my foot back to that stage. Today it is already better, but I must be more patient, and still do some exercise, gently to keep things ticking over

thx for help, ciao, Roland

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I may be seeing a Functional Neurologist, and have been given the name of one. One way of seeing it, is that they cover symptoms that don’t fall into any other category, and are therefore in the realm of the unexplained. I also think that weird phenomena (take my eyelid, that hurts at only night or morning) actually has a good reason for happening. In my eyelid and many other cases re-wiring is not always perfect. Consider that pain / sensory conduits are so close that they can crosswire on occasion.

May we both walk comfortably one day, ciao, Roland


I hope you manage to get some answers if you do go & see them. If only to rule some things out.

I’m sure we’ll both walk ok one day. It won’t be for want of trying at least.


I’m looking forward to more information about ASEA but even more important to me is that you are getting better. I hope I might be on to something, with all my heart. But I doubt I am thinking more clearly than you. Just when things go off for awhile, it is hard to stay positive enough to keep going. I need you here!