Aromatherapy for patient

I’m thinking of taking some essential oils into hospital for my mum who suffered a massive ischemic stroke 2 months ago. She’s recovering from pneumonia at the moment and has been very fatigued since returning to physio. I’ve been wondering whether oils (on a tissue for her to sniff now and again) might perk her up or comfort her a little. Has anyone taken oils into hospital for any one before?


I didn’t have essential oils while in hospital but I use them everyday in several diffusers at home, and also on my hankies. Olfactory stimulation has been quite significant in my post-stroke rewiring process, as my sight and hearing were affected, I found scent to be a reliable distraction. Recently, I discovered some fair priced scents online that are the type I like the most, but these are earthy, woody fragrances and not everyone’s cup of tea, in literal tea, I like Lapsang Souchong, so that sums up my choice of essential oil. Dark, smokey and deep in fragrance. I also make my own perfume, and am about to batch up some gorse flower eau de toilette that I have been brewing for the past few years.

I think taking some oils in for your mum is a brilliant idea. Lavender, of course, for relieving stress. I sometimes take a whiff right out of the bottle and it seems to settle me. Citrus blends are good for alertness, and I like spruce and pine too for the same effect. Sandalwood and cinnamon are both comforting, although I find the latter to be a bit of a conk tickler. I would avoid scents like geranium and patchouli as they are tenacious in their loitering within scent and the last thing you want is a stroke nurse to confiscate her hankies.


I used to have a few from a place in Preston that stocked proper essential oils. It i s a very long time since I was there so it might not be in business now.

Sandalwood is a very thick sticky liquid a couple of drops in the bath is very relaxing. It is relatively expensive but a little goes a long way. About 25 years ago I would pay £10-15 for a tiny bottle of pure essential oil, but they would last for a very very long time.

Some people like Bergamot. Others go for heavy scents like Ylang ylang. Just a couple of tiny bottles as a tester might be an idea.

It is not advisable to put neat oils on the skin, but they can be diluted with a neutral oil, a drop on a tissue, or in a few drops of water on an oil burner.

Lavender is quite popular. In pillows and so on.

Get some chai (cay) from Turkiye, grown in the Black Sea area. Woody scented but not overpowering, quite tasty with sugar, refreshing as a tea. Available online.


Hi there,

I absolutely had 6 of my favourite with me. Lavender on pillow, a must, Rosemary great, peppermint can clear your nostrils and open up things, I personally love sandalwood oil, and lemon on my feet… Strong, but, Eucalyptus, Geranium according to taste.

I had the greatest moment in hospital when somebody handed me some sage they had picked just before coming in. Great idea. The smells will transport her back into nature and do great things for her body. You’ve had a great idea

I use doTerra oils, the most expensive and have around 80-90 different oils
good luck, Roland


Me too

Why do cafes have earl gray but not lapdog? :frowning:

I like Islay malts too for the same reason


They are named item on your home insurance policy :rofl:


I do like to hear of other’s salubrious hedonism, it sounds like you’ve got the whole deck. :grin:

I’ve put on my Christmas list a brass diffuser for many years, and it hasn’t turned up under the tree. These are expensive, but it is one of my reserved fantasies to be able to diffuse oils from my own plants.


Alas Simon, this is the eternal question, for me, I look longingly at cafe menus and see no Lapsang Souchong, I browse the taps in pubs and yet a good dark stout is sadly missing, I peruse the boards at ice-cream huts and yet where is the rum and raisin? Has the world forgotten about the likes of us as it rushes towards high enterprise? :cry:


Seems are tastes are well aligned because I always go for the dark stout if there is one or the porter and rum and raisin ice cream would get my vote too


My wife’s department, though I’m gaining experience day by day
I took a half a douzaine with me to Italy (got back yesterday)
Copaiba for paraesthesia (sometimes Rosemary suffices)
Eucalyptus or Geranium for “exploding foot”
Peppermint to relax muscles
Tea Tree for itchy feet (nerves)
…those are the highlights

ciao, ciao, Roland


I had not heard of copaiba until now, apparently it is used in varnishes, no wonder you look so shiny in your photographs (I have just been revisiting your Flickr media-journey page, lovely to see your progress in action). I love rosemary too. I grew up with eucalyptus and tea tree, being a Taswegian. I don’t fancy peppermint, but I seem to have a bit of an olfactory reaction to it. In most forms, mint makes me sneeze. Except spearmint. I tend to stay clear of it. My current favourite oils are vetiver which I can only describe, for lack of any better word, as sexy. Bamboo, which has the closest scent to cut grass. Honeysuckle, which I have an associated childhood memory of that keeps me coming back to it. Teakwood and rosewood, also, are current go to scents to encourage concentration.


You must be right. It is just a matter of following your nose, tha’ knows.

The smell of fresh bread, or an impending bacon butty, wafting from the kitchen.

keep on keepin’ on
:nose: :smile: :+1:


There’s a book called Aromatherapy and your emotions by Shirley Price that might be of interset, help you with this.