Anyone get dental implants after stroke?

9 months after stroke and doing great. Was taken off my Blood thinner Brylinta and started to pursue my needed dental work.
What i thought would be replacement of 2 missing teeth with implants and a bridge for 2 others turned into much more. I wont go into detail but essentially i will need what is called an “All on 4” full arch implant.
It means they remove your remaining teeth, install 4 implants in your jaw that act as supports where a full teeth denture snaps or is fastened down. Snap on or screwed down dentures.
Anyone here had this or similar restorative work done after their stroke?


It’s not topic that’s had much discussion here. @Mickyboy raise the topic last November but I haven’t seen anything to tell us about their experience if any…

If you’re intended question was about blood thinners and dental work then it appears from other posts that most of us have found when informing our dentist There has been little issue.

Sitting immobile for an hour while somebody keeps your jaw open has been a little more challenging post-stroke but that’s about it

Did you have anything more specific in mind for clarification?



The inquiry is really more about if anyone had this type of work done and if the prior stroke was an issue or consideration when getting it done.
And if it was ok, how did it go?

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If they did they haven’t yet posted about it :slight_smile:
At least not that is discoverable when searching with the more likely keywords.

Various discussion of dental work and of implants but not dental implants apart from Mickeyboys one reference to intention


Hi, dental implants . Had a few , years before cerebellar stroke. Have been very impressed. After, stroke visited dentist as one become loose ,(old type, stuck on , now improved.)
Big event for me now, mostly house bound . My wife pushed me up outside ramp, where I decided to tumble over edge. Looked dramatic, but ok , just felt foolish.
In wheelchair in room , struggle to transfer to chair. All very patient, understanding. For me struggled, with noises, sensory overload. My wife watched my expression & asked for short breaks. I do find speculation worst, afterwards possibly fatigue, but ALWAYS, sense of achievement, so good when done. Sure will be grateful when done. David.


A side issue: I had oral surgery twice this year (tooth extractions) and the long time in the dentist’s chair and the recovery caused my spasticity to go into the extreme for a full week. I am one of those 1/3 of stroke victims with late onset spasticity. Also, if you have any neck issues ask for a wee pillow under your head when being worked on.

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Dya no ken that should be “a wee pillow under your heeed” pal? :slight_smile:

How are you these days @Outlander ?

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@SimonInEdinburgh Aye, richt ye are Simon. Not so good another, tooth extraction this week and a possible carotid artery operation. The right artery is blocked over 60%. I may have the same procedure that “Strings” had, It can certainly help to curtail another stroke. I was telling Roland that when all this is over and my stress level is down, I’ll post what is going on with my experiments. At the moment, my spasticity is turning into pain as well as stiffness. I’m a bit doon.

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Thanks. Ill definately get a pillow for my procedure.
Gonna be a bank account buster + a loan to get it done, about $60k.
But my implant fixed full mouth restoration will give me a lifetime solution.
Funny, had my stroke 10 months ago and now im going to lose my natural teeth. It ocurred to me that i have been paying for all my past health sins with the stroke( poor diet, no exercise, colesterol, hypertension) and all my dental sins from delaying my dental work and general neglect of oral health). Nothing like all that happening in 12 short months.
I did get clearance from my Neurologist to have the procedure done as it poses no great health risk in regards to it causing another stroke. Waiting for my Primary care doctor to say the same before i commit my teeth and treasure to the outcome.

My stroke recovery remains strong and i am up for this.


I wish you well when you get it done :grin:

Been looking for you. How are you doing?

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