I have lived with panic attacks for a greater part of my adult life, I spent years with a clinical psychologist working with methods such as CBT, I had a lengthy and expensive session with a hypnotherapist but have never been able to shake them. Therefore, I have ten Lorazepam tablets that see me through the year, only taking half if an alarming panic is on the rise. This is practical, as panics can cause critical disruption to one's daily life if not put in check. Pre-stroke, I had got to a point where I could manage them but I am at juncture at the moment, as since having my stroke, the combined anxiety, stroke symptoms and panic attacks when combined prostrate me for the whole day and persist into the wee hours of the morning.
Every time I have tried the "anti-depressant" range of medication, I have had nothing but negative experiences. Last time, my doctor prescribed Zoloft which sent me round the bend, apparently it makes you feel even worse for a few weeks before feeling better. I had tried Zoloft in the past with the same experience and stopped. The last prescription was Zoloft under a different name, so I ignorantly took it. A disaster.
What I am specifically after is medication that is not an anti-depressant but explicitly for anxiety and panic attacks. I have read about Buspirone being a milder and less risky medication but wanted to ask survivors on here, whether you are using such a medication for anxiety or have knowledge and experience of them. I am at the point now in my recovery (six months) where for the first time since coming out of hospital I am challenged by these feelings in such a way that they are hindering my rehabilitation and personal treatments.