Another milestone

Today is a tiny bit but in the scheme of things probably very little but I have decided to share as it’s the little things that make recovery happen .

I was in my wife’s car travelling home and she wanted her Christmas cards posting in the box at the bottom of the street
I successfully got out of the car ,stick free and posted the cards then returned to the car a bit wobbly but on my feet throughout.

The first of many trips out of the house.


:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: fantastic @mrfrederickson that’s definitely not a small achievement. Well done to you. :partying_face::partying_face:

Well done @mrfrederickson - that’s a great achievement! :clap: :clap:


Thanks Anna

Although for an unaffected person ,for someone recovering from a stroke quite a thing in the scheme of things


Thanks mrs5k
I’m going to enjoy my nip of Baileys that much more tonight!!


Thats a great achievement :clap: well done you.
Keep up the good work :+1: and long may the achievements continue.



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Thanks Sue,I’m never sure if I should bother mentioning this sort of step as it’s isolated and to fit non stroke survivors a bit trivial.
But in my wife’s opinion it’s a great step in independence.

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I completely agree with your wife, any step towards independence is a great step . It’s what we are all aiming for ultimately.

Keep up the good work and keep sharing :+1:

Regards Sue

It’s true wives are usually right so I put finger to keyboard and update SS we see fit!

I’d say those using this forum are not ‘fit non stroke survivors’ so feel free to post any wins (or losses!!) here.
Well done.


Well done not only on achieving it but also for trying when you could have just sat in the car and let your wife do it.


:clap: :clap: :clap: And here’s to many more little feats, for they’re the build up to greater things :partying_face: Keep it up :people_hugging:

Yes thanks Lorraine I’m counting on it. Plus everyone’s supporting words and encouragement.


Brilliant. Well done.

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Thats fantastic - i am 10 weeks post stroke and it is heartening to hear these things.

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Congratulations!! Good job

@Julie47 Just popping by to say hi & welcome to the community. I hope you are doing ok at this stage of your recovery.

If you have any questions please ask away.

Best wishes



Hearty Congratulations, Sir! Onwards and upwards.

Fabulous news. Well done.

Well done - I did the same this week - walked to the trolley park at the supermarket without my stick - a bit wobbly but I managed x :smile:

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