I know it might be a bit to organise it, but have you thought of using high-powered telescopes and megaphones jacked into Marshal stacks?
Actually, the above might not meet security and privacy protocols, so instead, I think I have some Clacks somewhere you can use.
That aside, what about open-source models like Jitsi? Open-source is good for community based events because it can tailored to the users by the users if some of the users have deft technical knowledge, cough @SimonInEdinburgh cough.
It is good to hear I’m not the only one keen on open source material, there is much to be said for it.
I would guess I have an 80-90% open source system. I am keen that others know about what this means, what is available, how to get it and how to use it…
I’m just checking out jitsi, it does look relevant and I might well try it out very soon.
An open source attitude was ingrained in me at a very young age. My father runs all open source on his desktop machine, he is 88 this year. He even builds and modifies his own computers to the spec of having more RAM and processing power than anything Amazon can farm. Yet, I use Mac. However, I feel this favouritism towards Apple was instilled during my formative university days when Microsoft was flouting its operating dominance, and Macintosh was sort of nonproprietary in many ways. How things change.