Annual Stroke Review

Hi everyone I’m pleased to say I got through my annual stroke review with flying colours today. Blood pressure good, cholesterol level good and just as an added bonus, I’ve lost a little bit of weight since last year too :clap: :clap:. I’m so pleased, I’ve been trying really hard to keep my weight down as I’m not as mobile as I used to be.

I don’t know why but I always feel a bit anxious when my review is due. Another year over :blush:.

Regards Sue


Who knew such a thing existed !


well done :slight_smile:
Good to know your review passed so well

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Great news @Susan_Jane it’s strange how we always get anxious when we have medical appointments. Glad yours went really well. Your efforts are clearly paying off xx


I was told whilst in hospital that I would be reviewed on a 3 monthly basis for the first year. That went well then :rofl:


I was never told about any reviews but I did get some and then I wasn’t told when they finished only when I enquired why I hadn’t had one for a year

Strange that the government published pathways as policy helpful authorities are required to adopt which aren’t then followed and no one is accountable

Perhaps as #StrokeWarriors/ stroke thrivers we could lend our group voice to improve stroke care?


There is a pretty consistent feeling of being abandoned. It is definitely something that could do with improvement


I didn’t know such a thing existed! I cannot help feeling quite envious. I’m glad it went well for you. Moira. :bouquet:

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Hi Moira, it might be worth mentioning this to your GP. My appointment was with a lovely nurse who was very thorough and informative. It’s also an opportunity to raise any worries or concerns you might have.

Regards Sue

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Let’s try to improve it :slight_smile:
I believe it’s worth trying to get the SA to help us :slight_smile:

Thanks Susan_Jane. I will do what you suggest and ask at the surgery, they can only say no. I will you know how I get on. Moira. :slightly_smiling_face:

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:+1: As you say, they can only say no. Good luck.

Regards Sue

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Whats an annual review? Husband discharged from rehab April 2023, after 4 1/2 months in hospital ,has had no follow up appointment with either hospital or rehab.


Hi, my GP does an annual stroke review. Blood test, cholesterol check, weight, and blood pressure and an opportunity to discuss current medication and a chance to ask any queries or concerns. My review was carried out by one of the practice nurses, who was very thorough and informative.

Judging by the responses to my post, don’t think that all gp’s do this but it’s worth asking.

I hope your husband’s recovery is going well.

Regards Sue