Angry all the time

I agree completely.

It’s a decision that every person needs to make on their own. It was true in my mother’s case that medicines didn’t help her mind, especially anti-depressants.

In some cases, mind-altering drugs may help or be necessary. But you always need to question things. That’s why it is so sad when stroke patients have no one to advocate for them. I see this so often.

Let me tell you a little story about what happened to my mother after she came home from rehab. The doctors prescribed 4 different diuretics for her. I was then alerted by a pharmacist that I need to contact the doctor because that many diuretics a day can easily shut down a person’s kidneys, especially someone in their 70s. Well, I took her off all of them straight away before I found out what was going on. I found out a few days later that her kidney function was deteriorating rapidly after a routine blood test…

The doctor eventually got a hold of us, saying that they weren’t really necessary; they were just to help her with any remaining edema. Why 4, though??? They could have caused massive kidney failure. Never got any answers.