Just to add to the misery in life I have been struck by the family head cold after holding it at bay since the weekend, it just makes the whole body hurt and life gets worse on top of stroke issues
Tissues and paracetamol are the order of the day, not feeling very cheerful sorry but it will pass unlike my other issues in a few days. Typical when starting my new job, no good luck since before the d stroke hit, I would love a change in fortune
Yes Jane it does, especially when you think it couldn’t be worse it goes ahead and shows you it could be worse, make’s one wonder why, what’s it all about apart from suffering. Degrees of suffering and how we cope.
Hi Mark, @mrfrederickson sorry to hear you’ve picked up the cold that’s doing the rounds. Hopefully you’ll feel better in a few days. Rest & fluids is probably a good idea. Sometimes it feels like things are all against us doesn’t it.
No excuses now MrFrederickson you’ve started so you’ll finish. No more sitting laurels procrastinating, get out there and start on your new job and take your tissues with you Joking aside, fresh air is good for it, closeting yourself away only breads the germs you’re expelling to re infecting yourself. Sitting around will only make that cold last longer and possibly fester into something far worse, you don’t want it developing into pneumonia. You make your own luck
I feel buffeted by all the stroke issues and now a cold and on top more health issues as yet in known has knocked me for 6 I’m afraid, so much for a long life, looks unlikely
I think stroke makes us all look at our own mortality but i find its not good to think about it too much. No one knows whats around the corner - perhaps a good job really.
Hope you feel better soon. Things will seem vetter when you do. X
The job gets more serious next eeek with meetings to develop the output needed to complete my contract.
Covid has not improved much just an annoying cough now and then a runny nose.
My son has come through his attack bravely but not keen on walking anywhere in the town centre for fear of coming across the same bunch of lads that accosted him last time
The police were involved and will be visiting the boys concerned and their parents, so hopefully that will be an end to it soon
As I became infected at the stroke association meeting last Monday it will be 7 out of my 10 days of recovery, mid week should see me turn a corner.