Socialising for me, after my stroke, has been really difficult and i’ve had to limit how often I go out due to the fatigue impact. However, sometimes you just have to go for it whatever the impact. This afternoon was one of those times.
My best friend, who I am very lucky to have in my life, picked me up and we went for afternoon tea.
It’s just a treat to get out and do something nice isn’t it.
I finally got out yesterday with a friend. This is the first chance we had since late Nov when my husband had his stroke. I am either visiting hospital or grocery shopping, washing, ironing etc.
Like you I felt better for getting out to do something pleasurable. We had lunch at a garden centre cafe.
Good to hear you had some time out with your friend. It’s really important to do these things. Lunch in a garden centre is something I enjoy doing too xx
Great to hear that you’ve had a trip out with a friend. I know its not always easy to make time for yourself but it’s really important for both you and your husband to spend some time away from each other.
My husband is my carer and I’m always encouraging him to spend time away from me, even if it’s only for a couple of hours. I enjoy a few hours on my own and I know he enjoys a bit of time with his friends.
Glad you enjoyed your well deserved treat, if you can, make it a regular thing.
Hi Ann. Oh how I emphasise with you. I am well retired so since my stroke I spend a lot of time socialising. Having a coffee, lunch out or just having a friend to my house has now become my way of life but like you I become shattered by the energy it takes to listen and talk and worst of all the noise which normally surrounds these occasions and of course the strange head sensations which accompany any outing.
I have no idea what the answer is. If I didn’t get out and about I would get depressed and withdrawn and sitting around just thinking is definitely not good. Hope sometime soon the exhaustion will improve for us both - and of course the “strange heads”!
I really did have a lovely afternoon but i suffered greatly for it last night. I felt soooooooo rough. Ended up taking myself to bed…but I have to get out sometimes whatever the consequences. My balance is off today had a few near misses on the fall front. Tomorrow is a rest day & hopefully i’ll be ok for work on Monday.
It is so frustrating, isn’t it. @Mrs5K I’m trying to be sensible but do love a nice chat in a cafè with a friend. Last week rather abruptly said “well I’m going now” but she was very understanding.
Glad your friend was understanding. I find it difficult to explain how social events affect me particularly as the worst affects normally happen when i am back home so people don’t see them. I do love coffee & cake catch ups with friends though.
Ahhh @Mrs5K this looks and sounds lovely. I’m pleased you had a nice time! Having been to Cornwall for the first time last year I’m now obsessed with Rhodda’s cream!