Adaptation versus recovery

Do we ever recover

I’ve been working tireless not to get as close to my mobility pre stroke and although 4 years down the road and making great progress I am more aware fro fellow stroke survivors on here and in my local stroke association meetings .
We improve by living normally and as we all know improvement is a snail’s pace or brain speed.
That means none of us have the ability to judge when the stud quo happens


The million dollar question I guess. None of us know if we’ll “recover” back to where we were pre stroke until we get there I guess. In my opinion we have to keep trying & if we do improvements will happen albeit some might be small & pretty unnoticeable by us at the time.

Acceptance & adaptation are also, in my view, a big part of the process i still work on my mobility for example but I have accepted that for now I need help with it & thetefore have adapted how I do things.

I guess it’s that balancing act between working at it but living life too.


Good morning @mrfrederickson. I echo what Ann has said. I accept I will never recover to pre stroke abilities (over 3 years for me) but that doesn’t prevent me trying to do everything I can to lead a life that incorporates an adapted version of things I did before.
I accept there are somethings I will never revisit on grounds of safety, and that makes me sad, but I am grateful they were part of my life.
Trying and failing is part of post stroke existence, but try again from a different angle.
If the result is the same and there is joy to be had, the adaption has got to be worth it.
Great photo by the way, Julia x


Thanks Ann I’m more r wrestling with the left side pain . Once gone I will be released no pain relief has come close it means I would walk with more joy rather than through gritted teeth.
The people I have met at my local stroke forum can wal drive play a musical instrument and even shoot clay pigeons. So why can’t I do it too?
My brain needs to reroute itself and the pain must go only then can I be the person I want to be


The secret lies with your mitochondria. Just my opinion

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Hi Pandora if you mean determination, I have that in heaps.
The brain neuro plasticity is the finger in the air and our wonderful body has a knack for reprogramming the brain to recover the bits lost through our stroke.


I’m talking about mitochondria which supply us with all our energy (ATP)
I use a red light panel to look after these critters.
I think this key concept is missed.

The effect of photobiomodulation is due to the absorption of the photons by cytochrome C oxidase in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, consequently increasing the cytochrome C oxidase activity and therefore ATP formation.

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