About the Physical effects category

Talk about anything that is related to stroke and the physical effects it can cause, including sleep problems, mobility issues, bladder problems, etc.

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I have in a odd creeping feelings around the left area of the neck to the skull mostly when I’m in bed. Any ideas??

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Could be “Formication is also a type of paresthesia which is defined as tingling dermal sensations”

If so it’s easily found with Google…

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Thanx Simon, sounds weird - will have a look! This could be a onset of tingling after stroke is likely related to the area of the brain that was damaged ?


Muscle tension can get the nerves tingling that way. If you press firmly on that area does it feel sort of bruised? If it does then give it a bit a massage.

I’ve been getting it on the back left side of my neck too. Flares up mainly after a workout at the gym but also at night if I’ve laid wrong.

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Hi all been a while since I’ve posted, getting extremely frustrated , with lack o progress on recovery front, beginning to think there is more damage to my brain than I realise had stroke on or around 4th Feb formally diagnosed on the 7th Feb. Went for a walk today to local Library about a mile there and back and was exhausted when I got home.when I get very tired my left hand starts to fail, whatever I’m holding fall to the floor, if I pick it up id drops again, passes very quickly unsure if this is another Tia, or more of an electrical short in my brain due to rerouting of bllod supply, would be interested to know if anyone else has or had similar experiences bit scary at the time. Does not seem to happen after a bit of gardening of other activity, seems the th physical effort of walking wacks me out more than anything else still recovering 2 hours later
it is denting my confidence a lot.
Thanks for listening.

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Yeah I recognise quiet a bit of that
Cept my right hand isn’t reliable at all but it’s worse when I’m tiered

I’m 3½ years post

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had some discouraging news yesterday, had a follow up session with the stroke doctor which I requested as was not happy with my recovery progress,. need to explain that my stroke lasted only 2/3 minutes but did have another lasting 3/4 minutes the day i was in the clinic but after the ct scan showed the result, and did not have another scan. I still have a fair degree of left sided weakness My right leg hurts after walking for 50 yards or more and have issues with reading , fatigue , typing which many of you also have. h e said I had only had a very minor stroke he would have expected me to have made a full recovery by now, he looked more closely the scan and spotted a very small darker spot in the center of damaged area. by the time i left i was looking at a possible incorrect diagnosis, it changed from stoke to seizure, and from stroke to brain tumour, result is a further ct scan and mri scan with dye to confirm his diagnosis
which i suppose is a good thing as I need to know, it seems that it is not uncommon for this to happen, the symtoms of both are similar in appearance whilst they are happening. So now waithing for scan dates, got more tablets to take short term, some steriods and some in case i have an epileptic fit,
This a game changer to say the least



Wattsy, I’m so sorry and yes this is a game changer. And you are in the dark as to exactly what it is until the scans are done and the results are in :face_with_diagonal_mouth: There are in fact several conditions that can mimic stroke symptoms.
Brain tumour
Migraine headaches
High or low blood sugar
Bell’s Palsy
Multiple sclerosis
High blood pressure

Stroke mimics and functional stroke | Stroke Association

Lets hope they can find something that is treatable but even brain tumours are treatable/operable depending on size and where they are etc. I know I’m not a doctor but whatever it is, it sounds to be small enough that it has the doctors questioning exactly what it is and that gives hope. :pray:

In the meantime try and stay positive and take it easy, it’s all up in the air now and nothing is set in stone yet. :people_hugging:


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