About the Discharge from hospital category

Your recovery from a stroke isn’t limited to the time you spend in the hospital. When you’re ready to leave the hospital, your stroke team will work with you to agree and arrange the support you need to continue your recovery at home. Here you can talk about planning your discharge from hospital and ask questions you may have about the process.

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I had a stroke in December, no warning and so no previous medical history to base a cause for the stroke on. Fortunately I didn’t suffer any effects from the stroke and after three days left hospital. I’m now on meds for cholesterol, blood thinners and high blood pressure. Covering all bases basically.

Hospital now says it could be six months before I get my first outpatients appointment! And my GP just wants me to remain on the meds.

I’d like to come off meds if I can and worry that these NHS delays could result in me staying on meds forever.

Feel I need to force my GP to give me some better advise.
Anyone else been left in limbo like this?

Thanks Simon.

I had a feeling that would be the case.

It was a blood clot in one of my carotid artery’s.

Just concerned that these meds are having other effects. I’ve had blood tests and am now booked into having a scan of my liver as there’s an increase in an enzyme?
I’ve reduced the amount of alcohol I drink since the stroke so am concerned it’s the meds causing this possible problem in my liver.

Seen it all to often with family and friends, once on medication the troubles starts.
