A slight return. On the road again, perhaps?

I have been told that my ramblings here at the Forum have been missed.

So, as ever, at 5.00 am in the middle of the night , I hit the keyboard once more.

I will introduce myself, for those who have not encountered me and my writings before.

I am at this time exploring my third year since stroke took away a large slice of me.
Much remains however and I continue to do this and that.

I will deposit here a quote from an email I sent to a friend the other day.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
You will be missed but I completely understand.

I was up all night, as ever, baking bread.
I’ve modified the recipe after doing a bit of reading and have managed to get an improvement in both taste and texture.

I made loads of notes and hope to be able to repeat it in a day or two.
The flavour is much improved.
I include a picture taken by Hilary.

I might be tempted to divulge the recipe for those stroke chefs amongst us.

All the best


I remain, a quandry, wrapped in an enigma and leave you now,
begging you to, in future,

keep on keepin’ on.


:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:

cars, smart phones, stroke groups, accidents and AA membership, kitchen experiments, writing, revealing oneself, little discoveries, online face to face encounters, Silverstone home of Porche a ride in a racing car, remembering how to play, is there more ??

silence is golden, but gold is the root of all evil ?

the runaway pen

some talk of tunnels and light,
or a mirage in the desert?

the compass needle is spinning


Hello @Bobbi. Very happy to hear from you. Your sourdough looks amazing.
You sound like you are keeping up what you need to :+1:.
Julia x


Hi Bobbi @Bobbi ,
so glad to see you back, you have both been sorely missed.

Hope that you’re both keeping on keeping on

Take care

Rich C.


Bore da Bobbi, glad you’ve taken your keyboard for a spin on the forum once more :grinning:


Hello Bobbi,

all the best ideas happen at 5 am ; welcome back !!!



Hello @Bobbi . Well done with the bread. It looks delicious. :slightly_smiling_face::bread:


:partying_face: :partying_face: Yay, you’re back :partying_face: :partying_face:

That doesn’t mean what I think it means does it, that you are back driving again :crossed_fingers: :smiley:


Hi Bobbi,
Really pleased you are back. You were one of the first people I met when I discovered this group 2 years ago.
Please keep posting it’s not been the same without you.
Beast wishes to you and your wife


300 miles on the clock and terrorising the local vehicular traffic.


Welcome back Bobbi, you have been sorely missed. Hope Hilary is well.

Look forward to hearing from you soon :blush:

Keep on keeping on :+1:

Best wishes and regards



@Bobbi Hi again. Looks like you’ve been as busy as ever. Hope you’ve been enjoying some time out & about in your new motor ? Terrorising all the locals i hope :grin:

Good to see you’re still baking. Breadlooks yummy & hopefully Hilary got to enjoy some of it :grin: a great job to have chief taster.

Hope you and Hilary are keeping well.

Best wishes to you both



Nice to hear from you on here Bobbi.

Bread looks great, I’ll be up with mature cheddar and pickle :grin:


:partying_face: WooHoo :partying_face: so happy for you getting back out and about again. There’s more to life for you to live and advantages to be taken​:wink: so find them and enjoy :smile:


Welcome back @Bobbi, good to see you back on here :slight_smile:



Thank you, @Anna_Moderator, it is what it is.

:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:

1 Like

Dear All,

I have enjoyed my time writing here and fondly imagine that
I have given as much pleasure as I have received.

Of course I realise that ‘The Community’ is not ready for such stuff,
I would not wish to force something where it will not be appreciated,
so I will not cast my pearls and instead will leave those who mooch
to their muchness, as great and wonderful as it all undoubtedly is.

This could be one last chance to, yet again, moderate one of my posts, perhaps?

Once more unto the hidden domains dear friends !!! (after Henry V - Shakespeare)

keep on keepin’ on

:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:

bobbi the stricken
go gently with my bones

Where Chorley (pronounced Charlie) cakes come from.

in case you wondered.

A tin of homemade ‘Charlie’ cakes:

Will we walk to the beach once more,
to sit unmoving, enthroned, by the shore,
to attempt again,
to command the advancing waves?


My voice is stifled,
but truth shouts out loud
and cannot be

It is 5 am once more.
The malcontent offers no aid , no direction,
only complaints, a sorry donation.

it is 5 am.
I will be silent and remain so.
Door closed, Problem solved. So simple.
When you awaken it will be as if my stroke and I never disturbed you and your community’s enjoyment of that blissful paradise.
Dream on, please.
keep on keepin’ on