A new project to improve mental health support for stroke survivors in Wales

Are you a stroke survivor living in Wales? Have you struggled with your mental health since your stroke? Tell us how we can help stroke survivors like you

Shift, the Stroke Association and Mind Cymru are working on a project to create better mental health support for stroke survivors in Wales.

We would like to invite you to take part in a conversation about your stroke and how it has impacted your mental health.

Sharing your experience and ideas will inform the design of better mental health support for stroke survivors in the future.

If you’d like to learn more, the below video features researchers Bella and Amelia explaining more about the research project and what it involves.

We will explore topics such as:

  • Your experience of emotional and/or mental health problems post stroke
  • Your experience of support for your mental health post stroke

The conversations will be

  • 60 - 90 minutes depending on your availability and energy.
  • In-person, by phone or video call - whichever you prefer
  • Adapted to suit your communication needs and preferences
  • With a loved one or friend, if you choose to bring them
  • In English or Welsh, depending on which language you prefer

As a small thank you for your time, we’d like to offer a £25 for taking part.

If you are interested please get in touch:
Email: amelia.woods@shiftdesign.org
Phone or text: +44 7494208463

How we protect your privacy:
The conversations will be totally voluntary and you can decide to leave whenever you want
We’ll take notes and we may record the conversation, if you’re okay with that
Only our team will have access to those notes and recordings. We will only use them for research analysis.
We’ll share the information that you tell us with the Stroke Association and Mind project teams
We may share quotes or things we have learned from these conversations publically. For example in reports.
We will never share your name. You will be kept totally anonymous.
We will delete your data 3 months after the end of the project.