6 month followup and CT scan with neuro surgeon

Happy to report that my 6 month post stroke followup and CT scan revealed normal flow restored to my M1 segment where stroke was and the narrrowed segment had widened also along with the surroundilng blood vessels. I am able to go off my blood thinner Brylinta now. Which makes it possible to finally get my dental work done and my overdue colonoscopy. Still take 81mg asoirin though.
Neurologist very happy with my recovery. My AC1 score dropped to 6.0 from 6.6
Now its just up to me to keep on with addressing my risk factors. Keep exercizing. Watch my diet and keep taking my bp meds.

I feel very lucky to have had a full recovery.
I almost feel bad for coming on here to say it as not everyone has this positive an outcome.



Don’t be inhibited about sharing your good news. Adversity doesn’t give anyone the right to rain on someone else’s parade. If you are on the up and winning, shout about it. I’m sure I’m not the only one pleased for you.

Realising that not everyone has good news and your concern for them is big of you. This is a place to share, you are not alone.

Whether up or down it is good to connect with others and there will always be someone here to listen and maybe answer no matter what it is you have to say.

Please enjoy your good news and feel no guilt.

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smiley: :+1:


@2lanegypsy thats really great news. Really pleased things are coming together well for you.

I echo the others re sharing your great news. It’s always good to hear of others who are doing well. It gives everyone hope & brings a smile to many of us.

Good luck for the next stage of your journey. I really hope it all continues the upward path.