I’ve had quite a few positives recently… been working up to taking down the extra banister rail the nhs installed, fill, repaint the walls and get that space back.
on valentines day I took my first day out (not in a car) we traveled from the coast to Hendon and the RAF museum as my Spouse is an airforce brat, she got to sit in a spitfire which made her day… my day was made by doing it and not having toilet by toilet journey plan.
alongside this I’ve pivoted away from finishing the biography of my own journey into writing fictional stories of stroke survivors not just recovering/surviving but in the role of hero/heroine I deeply struggle sharing my own internal journey and panic when ever I do (I tried here yesterday and deleted the post) as though its wrong to share this struggle but through the medium of fiction I hope I can, i tried with my own website on my journey and the excerises i invented for myself, it felt such a conceit.
I’ve been using my wages to pay a trainer at my local gym, I can now do 70 split squats on each leg, I fell over the first time i tried, the second time was holding onto a solid object, I can hold a plank for 60 seconds and i’ve gone from walking lengths in the pool to swimming between 200-300 meters/yards at a time… when I started, going in circles was the way forward
even joining this forum is a step forward as I’ve not felt I had a right to, I had a carotid disection so was in the younger cohort on the hyper acure wards of Eastbourne DGH, there was no space for someone like me in thier thinking/treatment plan… outside the family people are shocked to learn I have hemiparasis and aphasia, I am to hard on myself when I get things wrong/miss them, as its like i have verbal dylexia too and my brain rather thasn auto correct is now set to an autowrong mode. even expressing that thought outside family is hard… so its a positive i am now (as long as i dont autodelete this post )
I’m on job 2 since returning to work (not confident to go back to my old life running IT projects) job 1 was a bust job 2 is great but is only a short term contract, so now i have had a year and have to think what i should do now, as pensionable age is decades away… and i just dont know, I’ve thought teacher, health care, therapist, its not as though there is a carreers service for us
but even thinking what next is great, I’ll leave it there for now
thanks for reading/listening
Much love to all survivors and their families as it really is possible to not just reclaim life but move forward in ways you never thought possible