Young stroke survivor struggling with fatigue

Thanks for the advice. I tend to battle on when fatigue strikes as resting sometimes doesn't work or is inconvenient. I find if I'm busy with something it takes my mind off it and it fades eg practicing guitar

Hi Colin. Thanks for the advice. Blood tests show highish level of sugar.Don't know if this is relevent but seeing doc again soon. I find if I do something to take my mind off it like practice guitar it tends to fade a bit. John

Hi , there is a charity by the name of different  which provides a unique service to younger stroke survivors.

Hope this might be useful to you.



Dear John

Not sure how sugar levels will fit in with the medications that you no doubt already take. If that was the only finding then thats good isnt it.

If I do the equivalent of playing the guitar my SF does not fade, it increases. But we are all different.

What is it with musicians ? A disproportionate number of SS are musicians. I wonder what the connection is.


I hope there's no connection but do know 2 other musicians in my area who have had strokes. I'm thinking of organising a fund raising gig for the stroke association

What a star idea.

I have been on the forum, in its old format and its current format, and many are musicians.

Wish I was one of them. A big regret in life is that I dropped music in favour of a business career.


I used to do the same, now I'll sit somewhere quiet, pull my hoodie over my face and nap, 30 mins and good to go. Gave up fighting it as I turned in to an angry toddler that had missed its afternoon nap

Fatigue is a common side effect after stroke. I would advice to have a conversation with your manager and ask for some adjustment with your difficulties. You may need a 10 minutes break or something in between throughout the day or perhaps reduce your working hours? You may be interested in taking part on Chronic fatigue studies? This may give you better understanding of the symptoms and advice how to manage this with your day to day. 

Hi my stroke was in 2017, I have managed to return to work for two 5hr days in school working with small groups, as I cannot manage the noise in the main classroom anymore. As everyone has said stroke fatigue is part of what we all have to cope with.  My headteacher is amazing and all the staff keep an eye on me, they can tell when I am tired and I can go and sit in the office for ten mins.  So I think it would be a good idea to talk to your manager about how you are feeling, once they understand most people are reasonable, and will want to help.  Did you have a return to work chat with HR, I was off for a year, and I was helped with returning, I have a high back chair with arms, so I do not have to sit on little class chairs and an area which is quiet but close enough to enable me to get help from an adult if needed, and they understand I cannot multitask anymore.  It gives me a headache if I try and I find it hard to cope with changes to the timetable, so now they let me know in advance so that I can adjust.   Little changes in the workplace help so much so do talk to your manager.  Good luck.  Wendy   

I always feel groggy afterwards if I have a sleep. I'm thinking of trying Yoga

I quit music and taught. When I retired I got back into music big style, had an album released, started getting airplay and playing small festivals then woke one morning and had a stroke......

So was that a stroke (eg stroking) whilst you were asleep ? Was anu=ything unusual about the previoius evening ? And how disabled were you on day one ?


Was fit and well the night before and had trecked 70 miles in 10 days a few weeks before. I got out of bed to make a drink and lost all feeling in my left arm and hand and felt weak all down left side. My wife called the ambulance and within an hour I was being thrombalised. Feeling gradually returned over the next few days and I had surgery to unblock my cartoid artery. Have small numb areas on thumb and first finger but am able to play guitar reasonably well again

Thank you John. Stroking for me had finished when I awoke, so no thrombalising. Perhaps my prolonged recovery is reflective of the stroke taking its full and evil path. I too had a lot of feeling return in just a few days and was the only one on his feet in my ward. 

I am envious of your guitar playing. I regret not persuing some music after my teens. I would love to play nowadays.


I managed to walk 5 miles today on Ilkley moor! Do you do any walking. I recommend it for mental and physical health

I do not walk far. I walk a bit every day and my garden is very long, so getting out there can easily clock up a mile. 

I stupidly ignored the physical recovery whilst I tried to get to grips with the cognitive stuff and the atrocious fatigue. I have left sided weakness. By not exrercsing correctly, my right side takes all the strain and is now in trouble. My ankle will not function and this causes quite a lot of pain. Yoga classes are helping, but I am impatient whereas I should be steadily working on walking.

I have some very nice walks from my bungalow and I havent done any of them. Not on Ilkley Moor status, but very pleasant.

Good to learn that you can manage 5 miles.

Doesnt the SF get to you ? I imagine the walk is two hours or so and I cant last one hour yet. The SF slays me.


That sounds like a good idea, I have resorted to basically walking, alot, its helping to keep the fatigue down to a minimum,  one or 2 bouts a week.

Strength goes very quickly and it can be difficult to carry on. Sometimes your body doesn't let you go back to how you were before and that can be so hard to accept and bear.

But strength and courage always returns when you are reminded of the love and support of those around you. Life might never be like it was before, but it can still be happy. I pray that peace and happiness comes back to you all and you are given the strength and patience to endure the difficulties you have been placed under. And remember, we are always here for each other ❤

Glad you are getting sorted. Thank you for letting me know. X

Walking helps me a lot but I still get bad tempered and grumpy although people now understand what's wrong