I had a mild stroke in March 22. Since then 4 or so times I’ve lost vision in an eye for up to 5 mins and feel a bit nauseus. First time it happened called my GP who rang local hospital stroke unit, they said there was nothing they could do as I was already on blood thinners. Since then I just let it happen. Worrying but it seems until you have a disabling/fatal stroke NHS not interested. Any advice.
If you suspect a TIA then you should go to A&E & get checked out as you don’t know at that time whether it will turn into full stroke.
I would make an appointment with your GP to see what they can do or if they can refer you to see someone. Losing vision isn’t normal. You could also try an optician as they can look in your eyes & see if there is anything there that’s causing the issue.
Hope it resolves spon for you.
Hi @cutler662
Have they ruled out a PFO, A-Fib etc?
Definitely sounds from what you’ve told us as if you’re not being given the support you’re due.
Talk to PALS and your local MP (and ask GP to intervene)
I’ve got deja vu…
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