Stroke yet not stroke?

I agree with you. I had about three trips to a&e in my first year post stroke .

There are a plethora of funny feelings that come over one. I still get them on a weekly basis. Now I discount them and use my anxiety management techniques to calm myself
In the early days they caused much more anxiety which has physical manifestations when it comes on uncontrolled and those physical manifestations feed the fear that another event is occurring.

I was never given a reason for my stroke but when I had MRI scans for research I was told I’d had about six previously! So I do keep a watch out. It’s difficult to chart a balance and the trip to a&e has never been discouraged when I arrive there!

My understanding of PFOs was that they weren’t closed if they were relatively minor but were managed with clot medication. If they are more significant then I believe the closure operation is a fairly free of trauma but I have only second hand knowledge from reading here

Ciao Simon