I commented on SA’s FB page that, for stroke survivors, their skipping challenge may have been thought up by someone who hadn’t had a stroke. Nice to see that I have been banned from their FB page. Free speech, not where the SA are concerned
What the heck for; I’m speechless
I often think those who help us ; how would they fare if they had suffered our exact stroke ? and how would we act if our roles were reversed ? It’s impossible for someone who has never lost proprioception to know what it feels like. I’ve had therapists who didn’t even know what that word meant. In all cases their level of understanding was directly proportional to how much thought they had put into understanding that word. There is such a lack of post-stroke schooling that nobody considered that stroke survivors may be the ones most qualified to help. But the world discards stroke survivors as they are weak and less capable. $ometimes I am saddened by the fake world we live in.
Usually more upbeat, sorry,
Skipping challenge? I’m struggling to walk with a stick as are many other people on here. How on earth would I manage to skip? Would almost definitely fall and break something. Rubbish idea
Is think this is one of the regular challenges for anyone wanting to find raise, not necessarily for those of us who have suffered stroke.
I’m fortunate my recovery has been good, i did the 31 days of activity in may (last year, 15 mins of any activity each day). I appreciate for many these things are not possible but for many supporters they are a tangible way the can help.
I wonder if @EssexPhil has hit the nail on the head in response to @clibbers1 post -
I haven’t seen the FB posts and cannot therefore comment on the decison by SA to ban @clibbers1 from the FB page.