@mrfrederickson @Mrs5K
Although I recently acquired a car I also find myself limited. I think I could do with some sort of scooter, as you both mentioned.
There seem to be many options.
I’ll have to look into this.
I would recommend it @Bobbi I had a couple of days away last Oct & it made the world of difference & meant I was able to see places rather than just sit and wait in a coffee shop for everyone to ioin me or just see the first few metres of where we were. I did find it tiring still but i was happy that I could get around and that did wonders for my mood.
Well @Mrs5K and @mrfrederickson, it is all your fault.
You twisted my arm and i went and ordered a mood changing machine. I hope there will be a seat saved for me at the cafe.
I believe there is one of these light super portable devices with its hard seat on its way to me as I write this post. I couldn’t wait to go to try it at the showroom. I just had to get it ordered straight away.
I’ll very soon be able to accompany @HHilary to the supermarket again and make sure she buys the garibaldi biscuits and custard donuts that are so essential to my survival.
I’m quite excited about this, actually. I’ll be standing inside the front door waiting for the delivery driver and for the doorbell to go ‘ping’.
keep on keepin’ on
Oh wow. Get you @Bobbi no messing around there. Watch out everyone Bobbi is on his way.
Seriously though, I am sure it’ll make a world of difference for you. Now I have mine I wish i’d done it sooner.
@HHilary you’ll never find him now & your shopping bill is about to rise
Enjoy your freedom.
I’ve just got this horrid nagging suspicion that you might just find us in the biscuit aisle quarrelling over whose turn it is to whizz for just one more circuit around the shop.
We could have races. The winner gets choice of biscuits!!
Whoever wins mine’s a jammie dodger
Happy days, or as you like to say Keep on keepin’ on
And this is what is great about this forum, practical advice and yet through it all keeping your sense of humour.
Long may it continue.
Did you check if they do them with side cars perhaps Just thinking of @HHilary, she might appreciate it. Or a trailor on the back to carry the shopping home
I’ve been toJayCare in Burnley and the nice lady helped me try different kinds of scooters chat and four wheel larger tyres swivel seat and comes apart to load in a car or suv. I’m getting a demonstration tomorrow including loading it and a test drive on my driveway to be sure it’s a reconditioned scooter so big saving.
I’m looking forward to it and what it offers.
The model was a sapphire2
Brilliant @mrfrederickson happy test driving. I hope you find the right scooter for the job. I was able to test drive around the store car park & they also checked it gitted in my car and most importantly that I coukd get it in the car.
I look forward to hearing of your scooter adventures.
I have just come in here to read what he/we have been up to, him being @Bobbi
Yes @EmeraldEyes I could do with a side car as one minute he is there loitering behind me the next he has zoomed off shouting come on Hilli!!
I have also become the carter who carts big heavy bags of shopping to the car and out of the car. It was great when the delivery man brought it into my kitchen and all I had to do was put it away. Must say though it’s nice to be able to have a feel of fresh veg and chuck back the manky looking ones, also have tins with no dents, mum always said don’t buy tins that have been bashed. I bet the shopper who picked my tins wouldn’t have taken bashed tins home to their house. Got to go, himself will be shouting soon for lunch… CHEESE Gromit !!!
I know what you maen about shopping deliveries. I have ours delivered as supermarkets are just too much for me but I do wonder sometimes about what they send.
Perhaps Bobbi needs a man bag to help carry some of the shopping
many happy returns and may dreams come true, for you and yours, Mark.
I’ll be starting my fourth year the day after Valentine’s Day, so only 10 days away now. There’s been falls, bumps and giggles. I’ll be looking for more to keep me on my toes in the next year.