
I was prescribed it for nerve pain twice a day. I also have epilepsy due to my stroke 2 years ago & take Leveteracitam for that. I don’t think it helps too much for my nerve pain as I still get it so don’t know it it’s working. I’ve had no real side effects although I do have some weird dreams.


I had a stroke last September and was subsequently prescribed Pregabalin as I am suffering from Hyperesthesia. I went to see a private neurologist and he took me off it - thank goodness, as I discovered from a feature in the Daily Telegraph (Features, 5 March) that it is very addictive. He also took me off statins. I have since had nerve tests and a skin biopsy, which showed I have a mild small fibre neuropathy. He put me on a very small dose of Amitriptyline, which I have only been taking for a week.
If you do come off Pregabalin, you have to do so gradually. The lady who wrote the feature is down to 8 mg (0.2ml liquid) but gets terrible side effects if she tries to reduce it further. Good luck.


Someone else on here is up to 600mg with no side effects at all.
If I try to get beyond 3 doses of 75mg, ie make the morning one of them 100mg, I turn into a zombie, spaced and not really with it and it doesn’t seem to wear off.

What I am not sure about is whether it’s having a pain benefit. Only one way to find out but how to distinguish pain relief from withdrawal effects…


Hi. Well I got spaced out and like a zombie on 2 50mg a day!!! How on earth do people survive on such high doses?! My GP has now reduced my daily dose to 20mg twice a day. Im not really taking it for pain as such but more to try and get rid of this tight band round my head and the strange fuzziness. Good luck


Yeh the side effects are almost worse than what it is trying to cure. Some will wear off over time so it might need a judgement sometimes, stay with the zombie feeling for a few weeks for the benefit that will hopefully come.

I can’t deny it, it’s not pleasant but all of these seem to be a balancing act. Only you can decide if it’s worth it.

There are options to pregablin though which with your Dr you could explore.

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