One for any IT Techies here

I just came across HTTP error code 418 and IETF RFC 2324

Most people will be familiar with “404 page not found”
If like me 5 minutes ago you don’t know what a 418 is I suggest you Google it and then do a double take!

I’m familiar with other amusing RFCs But had not seen this one before For anyone

PS this has the same relevancy to post stroke life for me as baking does for others See


Sadly enjoyed that :grin: Never came across it before. Will throw it in to microservices exercises I’m setting the apprentices at work :+1:


You work in s/w architecture?

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Ten years in architecture before returning to development. Always on the lookout for new recruits in Edinburgh!?

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I’m about governance, value streams, strategic alignment, product road maps rather than team topologies and Spotify dev theories.

Happy to talk :slight_smile:
Do you know

See founders


Looks more aligned to my business architecture colleagues, whom I have worked closely with in the past. Was always really enjoyable as they were so very knowledgeable.

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Who do you work for/with?
Do you know other spoof rfc’s like 3514 or this list


After a spell at GA in Perth. Joined Scotland’s first bank, still there nearly 3 decades later. Tho owners have changed more than once :grinning: I’m back in same building where I started. A move to the city centre is brewing, ok apart from when the festival goers taking up all the room on the buses.

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I was on the Galaxy programme! and I’ve done time at RBS
Scotland’s oldest is now Halifax’s newest isn’t it


Small world :earth_americas:

Life can be cruel, but why don’t you take his advice?
No one will harm you (When you’re a teapot they treat you nice!)
What are you, what are you?

I’m a teapot (teapot), teapot (teapot), isn’t it true?
I’m a teapot (teapot), teapot (teapot), can you be one too?
It’s ever so welcome, lovely and hot
Ooh what a dream, letting off steam and be a tea … pot

  • The Goodies
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