New post

Hi Butcher01,
I find I have a really good day, followed by a rotten day. I think exactly what you said on good days I do too much and then suffer next day but exercising is only way to reduce pain, so its really hard to get balance just right. One day good days will outpace bad. I live in hope anyway.
Diet for me was a bit weird, I didn’t want to eat in the beginning and then realised I have a problem swallowing, so that also is part of why I lost weight.
It’s still very difficult to eat and I struggle to eat enough calories to be healthy. I am on list somewhere for treatment. However part of this is phycological as I am terrified of putting on weight. I am getting a bit anal about it. I use an app called fatsecret, its great, everyone very supportive and no judgement. I tend not to post find it hard, but doesnt matter. For all the things over the years, I find calorie counting works for me and if you just have 200 less (half a sandwich) than an average for males (2000) you will lose weight. Anytime you want to discuss weight, I will always listen as it is really hard to deal with. Think about it though, once you say out loud I need to do something about this, then you are determined and thats a good place to start.
PS this should have posted last night, forgot to press send duh

Hi Amanda,
Thank you for your message, I do not have a problem with eating that is the trouble. I have been walking one day and exercise the other. Get tired if do too much.
I get frustrated that I only have to change the bed and I am exhausted.
I will keep at it. Thank you for your support.

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Hi Dolla,
Fatigue is a real biggie. Main thing is, not to give yourself a hard time. This is a shock, take some time to adjust, if your like me, being overweight means its easy to give myself a hard time, so now is the time to be nice to you. Also start planning how you want to lose weight, thinking out loud that you are starting to get a plan and this is my start. Dont pressure at the moment. Please keep coming with updates.

Hi Amanda
Thank you for the help and advice. I am walking a bit further and my walking has got better.
I start a diet every Monday and last until about Wednesday. I will get there.
Take care and thank you.

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Hi Dolla,
Sorry not to reply sooner, its been nuts in work and I get so tired, I dont do anything. I am chuffed your walking further, so good for you. If you can try a little everyday, it really helps. I know you are suffering with dieting and imho the hardest challenge. Dont forget this is early days. Do not give yourself a hard time. When your ready you could think about asking for some help, either via stroke team or GP as they have a lot of things going in this area. We all need some help occasionally.

Hi Amanda,
Sounds like you are busy. I had physio today and she was really pleased with me. I feel much better, I think it is the walking. She said I looked brighter.
She gave me a type of cushion to stand on this helps your balance and sends messages.
It was good, did not like having my eyes shut.
I am going to try and eat less and drink less red wine!!
Thanks for all your support.
Dolla xx


Thank you Mahoney for your message it was very nice of you. Did a walk this morning to Waitrose had a walk around the shop which was nice with my stroller

It was nice to feel normal. Went a bit mad on my shopping had to buy a bag. Thank goodness I took my stroller was handy for the shopping.

Exhausted now so on the sofa.
Take care thanks again.
Dolla xx