My life when Stroke hit me....Part 2

so as mention I put a routine in place when in hospital rather than just sit in bed…

6am was first tablet.
Make bed.
Try move around ward and to reception and back.
Breakfast was 8am & 2nd Tablet.

wash cup, and plates knife fork & spoon i used,

Shower, return and rearrange bed to preferred height (6ft 2") they change bed daily, (I was ask as why I made bed everyday wen the had to change!?!? just not lazy like some others in ward)

Not complaining about my stay with staff but some of what happen with them,

One day had staff that I asked if it was 6am I needed tablet told to go to sleep!?! errrmm nah 6am is tablet… so 8am said staff turns up with 2 tablets… I said I asked for this at 6am… staff says “you was asleep!” ahhhh Nah! you told me to go to sleep!

Other thing that got to me is rehab staff would just turn up…I did all tasks unprepared and struggle to speak…I had my wife bring in paper I ask for as it would tell them I also was dyslexic so would struggle on normal day… one day I was due to leave and had 4 rehabs staff turn up one after each… that was hard to do and may better if diary of days to me so I could know what go to happen.

since been home May… no local doctors or appointments to have to book… Had scan weeks ago and end of Aug to know results… I got to doctors to use machine that will measure Hieght, weight, and Blood pressure. …ask at reception to be put on record oterwise this would not happen. … so this is all up to date and learn to live as it is. better on e-mails control. all for now “H” out!