Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh @Guj1man
Welcome to the community that chats on this forum.
Glad to hear you’ve got such a supportive family around you also that you have so far been left with little in the way of deficits
Great too that you’ve had great support from the NHS & your GP that’s something to treasure !
you might find the welcome post gives you some background.
While the experiences of others is no guarantee for you most of us find that our meds manage the risk of further neurological events - but do keep an eye on your risk factors!
Have you been together the reason for your stroke¿ Many of us aren’t. - did you have FAST symptoms? Maybe you’d like to look at the poll about it
The best way to understand the many facets of stroke after effects is to read other people’s posts and the best way to be focused on what to read is learn to use the magnifying glass above.
For example you tiredness may well be fatigued. It’s very likely caused by the energy being used by your body for healing. accepted wisdom is ‘don’t fight but rest and allow your body to determine where it consumes energy’.
I’m sure the having regulars here will be along to say hello soon