More physio

If I may, I’d like to say that as far as I can tell the key here is “neuro”.

We also had problems with the NHS physios and it was because they were NOT neuro physios. Unfortunately, my Mum’s condition and age meant that it was “always” going to be difficult to get the type of rehab that would likely have benefitted her most.

One of the physios (locum) did mention that a neuro physio was what we needed and that whilst had the knowledge/background, as a locum he did not have access the equipment and that within our locale, that type of equipment was in short supply.

I went on the web and found a neuro physio and we had a phone consultation. She was really very helpful and a wonderful person, but she could not help as she needed us to go to her clinic for treatment and Mum at that time was effectively bedbound with limited mobility and required double up carer support.

So it seems to me, that neuro physios are probably what would benefit stroke survivors but they are in short supply within the NHS.

@matt_d13, I was going to write a little piece on neuro physios, but came across your wonderful post from last November and so I have just brought it into this thread as a) reminder and b) excellent contribution/response.
