Memory and Coginitive Problems

Hi, I have been caring for my partner since 2019, when he was eventually diagnosed 6 months afterwards with a TIA after it happened, so this was in lock down. He is fine physically and mobility wise but he has very poor memory for things that happen in the current or recent, but he can remember things from years ago. He struggles with day to day things, I have to do paperwork etc for him, he would struggle to make a meal, he struggles to use his mobile and also his cognitive thinking isn’t right at all. He struggles to concentrate on a tv programme that has a storyline. He gets very confused if we don’t do things on a daily basis, in a set routine, his symptoms get a lot worse if he is tired. He hasn’t had any sort of rehab because of covid and we have had no help or medical support whatsoever and I am really struggling now, as I feel like I’ve lost the partner I fell in love with. I don’t know if it is turning into dementia or its the stroke and is there anything that we can do to help his symptoms? He has a blood vessel that is 100% blocked at the consultant said they can’t operate, but if it was 99% they would have been able too. Thanks and sorry for rambling, we are at our wits end x