Hello, Its just hit me

Hi Ann, wow so many responses, and streams of thought too. Its reassuring to hear of others experiences and just how you’ve all worked things out.

Cheers to all, David


I honestly like to think 2 steps back but then 3 forward!!

Even if those 3 are a long time coming and the 2 are in quick succession.

Eg had a new referral and new meds - 2 back. But meds helping - made referral and also cordinated that with my housemate’s appointment to have a lump removed - 3 forward.

Even though it doesn’t feel like it!

I just try ad be cool :polar_bear: :wink:


@Djbarker Your feelings and emotions are valid! The folks here are kind and supportive, so you’ve found a great place to chat. I wish you all the best in your recovery process and in all things in life.


Please excuse me! I’ve been tromping about all over the place and I neglected to say welcome to the community. So let me correct that

welcome :hugs:

I suspect everything is already being said by everybody else’s posts. This is definitely a good place to freely express your needs and challenges

I hope you will find as much support here as the rest of us do - did anybody mention the welcome post?




Hi Simon, thanks for the warm greeting. Not sure I have received anything which references “welcome post”, however you have all been very welcoming and as such I may have missed it…

Cheers, David :upside_down_face:



Emerald gave you the link in her welcome above :slight_smile:


Doh!!! My only excuse is ive been poorly Simon…:slight_smile:



How’s it going today? Hope you’re feeling positive.

Today I am focusing on my BP but trying to do something fun so I’m going to watch (well mostly listen to) some old episodes of Derry Grils as it always makes me smile

:smiley: :joy: :wink: :polar_bear: :polar_bear:


No excuse needed :+1:

Any forum software is confusing enough with out a hole in the head!!



Not to worry @Djbarker, you’ve had a stroke it’s to be expected that mistakes will be made. It’s the beauty about this forum and all being in the same boat so no apologies necessary, we understand why. Which is just as well as I’d be forever apologising for my errors and never have time to reply to posts :laughing:


My daughter said, Derry Girls is amazing, so enjoy :smile:


You are welcome :+1:

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Use that all the time now

should also say on my laptop i don;t eben need to use the chevron just go to search etc and it stays or seems to with hte reply box to the topic i’m on

:polar_bear: :wink:

  • Am I doing ok with learning?
  • yes
  • polar bears
0 voters

please no one reply just trying to learn sorry

:polar_bear: :wink:

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Thanks again :polar_bear: :wink:

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also I should point out that on my laptop I dont need to close the chevron thng I can ust go to anther post and quote:


didn;t bother but just tested

so I started to reply on this topic and then just went to me and clicked on a recent topic and it just came up…

sorry if that is just gobbledygook

:polar_bear: :wink:

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Yes I recognise that if you’re on a PC you have much more screen real estate and therefore you don’t need to shut the post down. However if you’re on a mobile phone you also need working practises that make the user interface practical

Summer <–Spot the speech to text miss translation of “somewhere”!> on here there’s a post I wrote it used all the markdown syntax to see whether or not the edit_widget recognised everything and it doesn’t. It’s also difficult to find the documentation for most of this

And is exactly the same link again but not on a line of its own Minor forum updates - #9 by SimonInEdinburgh as you can see has formatting differently and here’s that link again

Which goes to show that there is a contextual interpretation of the formatting instructions as well - again if it’s documented I haven’t found it.
There is documentation and discourse Meta- [rant mode] which is the most intolerantly moderated forum I’ve ever seen [/rant mode]


Hi dj barker oh yes feeling down is quite normal . I’m now a year and a month post stroke and I still have my down days. I know I’m a lot luckier than some but that doesn’t always help although it probably should. Try to set yourself small goals ang reward yourself when you achieve them and please post them on here. People are so supportive even when you think what you’ve managed to do is very little. My mantra every new day is every day in every way I’m getting better and better. Forget the bad days and hold onto those successes even though they may seem tiny. Every recovery journey is different. Just try every day to achieve those goals. Lots of luck Suzywong x


Hi Suzy, thank you very much for your kind words. Sadly my companion dog contracted renal failure and as a result he crossed the rainbow bridge 3 months ago…i’m in pieces most every day since then.


So sorry to hear about your companion crossing the rainbow bridge :rainbow:

I hope the pain is fading and the happy memories are taking over

Have your picture to share?


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Hello Simon, meet Alfie and I…