
Thanks the job will give my brain something to do and improve my sleeping so here’s hoping.
The peripheral vision losss will be measured in august so as to get a year on year comparison, but not too hopeful as few get vision defects recovered or certainly not acknowledged. Hope it does but preparing for a bad outcome

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You have plenty of people keeping their fingers crossed for you and hoping for a positive outcome, including your pals on the forum!!!
Keep smiling and pushing yourself safely

Very best wishes


Thanks Andy hope so too.

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Cheers Andy I if nothing determined so anything’s possible.

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Thsts exactly it!!! Anything is possible if you can put your mind and will into it .

Stay positive and in the moment!!!



Morning Andy, survived another shower session this morning worst part of a stroke is being unsafe in the shower but my good lady sees me in and shepherd s me out, getting easier just then boots on and off that is a pain couldn’t do it without her.
Onwards and upwards for the week

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Great way to start a day, do you have a chair and grab rails in your shower?? Is it downstairs?

Oursis upstairs and shower is over the bath and its too much hassle and tires me out so i get a wash at the kitchen sink at the monent, one if the reasons we are looking to move to a bungalow with a downstairs bsthroom etc.

Whereabouts do you live and whats your name?

I live on the Wirral between Liverpool and North Wales

I had a walk in shower put in to the on suite when we moved I I have to walk to the stool awith a stick and change over my boots and ago go shower shoes then with my wife keeping my left foot flat I walk in to the shower and swap the stick for the rail and inch towards the shower stream until I can seat myself on stheshohower stool wash my hair and top half, then dry off and reverse my journey

Try not to see what “might be” as one never knows what is round the corner. (I understand that from the stroke team ), that there are special glasses to aid with peripheral vison if you are the right candidate. :smiley:
Also it can take a long time for peripheral vison to restore itself as such. One never knows as we can’t see in the future.

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Hint name is mark and I’m in West Yorkshire, happy valley

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That sounds a great safe way to get a shower, dignity building back up and way to get it soted. Its what im looking forward to doing regularly in a new place when we move.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Cheers Mark…whose your footy team?

Good plan , iusef to support Watford as a teenager in London no tend to be note motor sport, btcc bit of F1 not much else can’t find any joy in the local team Manchester City or United, Burnley are doing well

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Watford- wow!!! Went to vicarage rd once years ago supporting Tranmere!!!

Touring cars and rallying are fun to watch - not into F1 - boring !!!
Me dad took me to stock car racing as a kid, that was fun!!!

Thought you were yorkshire? Expecting you to say Leeds or Bradford maybe?

I’m an import marked a Yorkshire lass although my mother’s from Sheffield so a quarter Yorkshire, F1 is a boring procession but can get dicey occasionally.

Fare point the time out from caring is essential to restoring sanity in a very diff job our partners and caregivers provide bless them


[mrfrederickson], regardless of your feelings about impact on your family, I (five months out from two strokes) find that guilt is a default feeling of my brain now whenever the slightest thing goes wrong - my ability to discern the appropriate degree of response to ANY failing on my part has been damaged, be it how well I park the car, remember the grocery list, or support/fail a good friend. So don’t feel too bad about yourself, that’s the response mechanism delivering a garbled message.


I’d like to think you are right but in the wider picture it was my defective body that let me down and subsequently the family plus the pain it caused as they had to come to terms with my impairment and the extra support that they now give me so I can cope life is hard enough I just made it harder than before through genetics or poor diet overload at work, nothing I can change now but still doesn’t sit well with my consciousness. Oh well I’m going to make it up to them all as soon as life feels more like as I want it, all limbs doing something a safe balanced walk two arms to Hug them and sensory peace on my left side


I have exactly the same viewpoint Mark - you and your lived ones are on a journey together than nobody could predict or wished to be on. Therefore its nobodies fault its more about how you all recover together…
Every small step forward is a shared triumph, which should be celebrated together.
Remember how far you have come and be proud of that…
We are all proud of you on here as im sure your family are too…

We are all tortoises in that race against the hare…we just have to accept that we are not the hare this time.

Enjoy your Friday and try to do something new if you can.

Best wishes and keep smiling.


Yes my progress is a testament to my determination and their love and support, I am very pleased with where I am compared to last year some capabilities are teasing me with normality but I’m realistic still more effort and time needs to pass.


Thats a great way of looking at it Mark!!!