This little girl is making sure her birthday WISH is a worthy one.

Getting creative and MAKING things is a great thing to do. This person is learning how to do carpentry.

People get CREATIVE at just about anything–their clothing, their salads, their fingernails, their makeup, but especially their hair! :grin:

Oh now that is creative hair :scream:

You can get really CREATIVE with MAKEUP. This has been done just with MAKEUP.

WOW! Unbelievable! :open_mouth: Kids, and grownups, too, like to build castles JUST with sand.

That’s fantastic. So artistic.

There are so many sculptures that can be BUILT from SAND. This one, of my favourite animal, made me smile.

Aw w - so sweet.

There are many unusual things in the world. I was looking for an unusual ANIMAL, and I found this-- an Axolotl (Mexican Walking Fish) It isn’t actually a fish. It’s an amphibian found in Mexico’s fresh water lakes and ponds.

Wow a walking fish :scream:

Good friends will always LOOK out for each other.

Uri Geller was famous for claiming that he could bend metal objects with only his WILL.

Man CLAIMED they went to the moon but there are some people who don’t believe it ever happened. Will we ever know?

These cows are all very tired. They’ve been trying to jump over the MOON all day. They finally decided it just was not going to happen today.

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When someone has had some really good news or good things happen to them they often JUMP for joy.

Oh My Gosh! Did that really HAPPEN! I can’t believe that cat really licked that dog’s face.

I love that cats face :grin::grin:

A DOG really is a man’s best friend.

Having a FRIEND is so important, expecially when you’re feeling down and out.

Oh that’s sooooo cute.

When things aren’t going to plan or you’re having a bad day it’s always nice to see a FRIENDLY face

Sometimes if you’re having a BAD DAY, it helps to put on a happy face–even a clown face will do. Then look at yourself in the mirror, and you’d be surprised how it lifts your spirits–or somebody else’s.

Oh that’s a face to make anyone smile.

When you are struggling to get up and FACE the Day maybe this cute FACE will make a difference

Ha Ha :smile: Time can make a DIFFERENCE. A girl could be a tomboy as a kid and grow up to be a “girly girl”.

Children are always in a hurry to GROW up. Look mum look how tall I am