What happens when you JOIN two desserts together?

They disappear.

It’s great to see people having fun…makes every one want to JOIN in


We must be careful in judging others for their beliefs, because people see the same thing in very different ways–and both could be right.

That picture blew my mind :slightly_smiling_face:

If PEOPLE just believed in themselves then they could achieve great things


The GREATest tree in the world (by that I mean the biggest) is the General Sherman tree in Sequoia National Park, California

That tree is ginormous :scream::scream:

In contrast to your GREATEST TREE the Bonsai TREE is one of the smallest


Aw w. I love it. There is an advantage to living in one of the SMALLEST houses in the world. It wouldn’t take long to clean it!

This is apparently the SMALLEST house in Great Britain. It is very tiny & also by water by your one definitely has a better outlook


I just had to show you this house. I think it’s the SMALLEST by far that I’ve seen.

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Wow :scream::scream:

Do you remember SHOW and tell? My husband sent his daughter into school with a bone & told her it was a haw bone of a giraffe. It nearly backfired when they asked him to go in and talk about it :rofl::rofl:


That’s funny! This GIRAFFE looks like he’s been eating the wrong kind of grass.

:rofl::rofl: love it.

Kids can sometimes be cruel but more often they can be very KIND


As T.S. Eliot said, “April is the CRUELest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land.” (from the poem The Waste Land)

APRIL showers bring May flowers

The original version was “Sweet April showers/Do spring May flowers”, part of a poem from 1610


That’s beautiful–love the dew drops!** Dancing around the MAY Pole began long ago with ancient peoples, and we still do it today to celebrate spring.**