Awwww they’re sweet
Hughie the happy harp seal
Awwww they’re sweet
Hughie the happy harp seal
Isadore, the independently wealthy Iguana
Isadore looks right at home there
Jack the joyful jack russell
Oh, he’s so cute! Kathy, the kinky Kinkajou
Larry the lyrical lapwing
Natalie the nice Noolbenger (also known as the Honey Possum)
Petra the playful Persian cat
Quentin, the quirky, yet quiet, Queensland Tube-nosed Bat
Roger the rowdy raccoon
Timmy the tonguetied tamarin
Oooo Upton is very colourful
vinny the volatile vulture
Wilbur, the wet and wily Water Bug
Oooo Wilbur is scary
Xander the Xcited Xerus