Larry the lovely Lazy Liger
Awwww I love Michelle
Nat the nutty nuthatch
Otis, the overwhelmed Opossum–“playing dead”(an opossum defense tactic)-- hence the term “playing possum”.
Otis doesn’t look very healthy
Pat the parading pretty peacock
She is very smilie
Reg the raging rhinocerous
Sergio, the serious Saki Monkey
Ooo Sergio is very serious.
Terry the tasty turkey (especially at Christmas )
Uma is very colourful
Vinny the vulgar vulture
Xanthus the Xcellent Xenarthra
Yancy, the yodeling Yapok (a water opossum (marsupial) found from Mexico to central and south America)
Zak the Zany Zebra
Bernie & Bea building beavers
Awwwww sooooo cute
Dave & Daisy the dancing Dingoes