Totally agree with you Phil
In my experience of this forum, which I think it’s fair to say is fairly wide there have been two or three posts where somebody was trying to advertise services. That was clearly calculated and outside of the interests. But that is all.
There is no established mechanism for raising concerns about somebody’s needs and my attempts to enter into dialogue to establish it to have so far been rebuffed. Strenuously
The totality of post-flagging get a message that says “your post was flagged by the community”. My anecdotal analysis is that by far the most posts of any are flagged by the admin because We the community have some shared feeling that has been rumbling for a while and is having an increasing impact on the tone and culture. @Bobbi has had upset because of it recently, I have had upset because of it on a long running basis and I can mention several others.
I think it’s fair to say some factors: In the past we[1] gave very good support. The number of people giving support has decreased quite a lot in the last few months, Those who are still giving it still give the same quality of support, we still get the same recognition from the community (positive) and our hosts (0), the SA have rebranded and are placing community at the centre of their messaging but are in denial of how that affects their service integration by management and their service presentation by frontline staff
There is a mantra that says “we made and adjust the rules and you can’t question them or discuss them” (for that reason I will be screenshotting this thread now)
There is a need for a flagging mechanism for the reasons you point out, and for a rule set there is also a need for that rule set and flagging mechanisms to be seen to be applied even handedly, appropriately and equitably
the community members ↩︎