In many ways I don’t have a helpful answer. My own experience hasn’t been wonderful and I’m going to mention a couple of points that I don’t spend much time thinking about because it doesn’t help.
When I had my stroke I was taken in by ambulance in good time as my wife had the foresight to realise what was happening.
At the hospital I walked to a general ward as there was no room on the stroke ward.
I was on that ward waiting for ten days to a fortnight. During that time I remember being terrified, hallucinating and trying to leave to go back home. Two hospital heavy security stood by to deal with me if necessary. I was as weak as a kitten. One little nurse had me pinned against the bed until they had me on my back again.
By the time I got to the stroke ward I was bed bound and almost completely unable to move.
Physio was available for a short session every ten days or so. I didn’t make much progress.
After two months I was home bed bound and totally dependent.
The will to improve has seen me slowly advance over two years. I fell over a lot of times. Bruised but not beaten I gradually became able to stand and walk a little. I am not in as good condition as I was when I went in hospital, but do experience slight improvements slowly and steadily as time goes by.
I think I could have had a better deal, ended up in a much better state, but I am alive and there is much to be said for that.
Cutting this long story short – you will improve, don’t wait for help, but don’t push yourself so hard that you fall over. It hurts!
Be kind to yourself, laugh, smile and don’t be too scared to enjoy yourself.
This is a !!##ing horrible thing to have happen to you, but you aren’t alone and you will find your way. Shout out, someone will say ‘Hi’.
Getting myself a laptop once home and finding this forum have helped me enormously as my wife and I live a pretty isolated life now.
I really should get out more you know
keep on keepin’ on